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Free tools for Inventor: CADstudio X-Tools LT

X-Tools A set of useful tools - "CADstudio Inventor Tools" (XTools) - is available for Czech Inventor users already for several years. The add-on application X-Tools has been now updated to a new version 2.2 designed for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Inventor 2013, 2012 and 2011. X-Tools extend the capabilities of Inventor with a set of automatic properties, annotation tools, assembly tools, and other useful features that enhance your productivity. The application language can be switched between Czech and English.

With X-Tools you can add drawing view scales, filedates, paper formats, sheetmetal sizes, weight and other parameters automatically to your documents. These values ​​remain associative with your parts and assemblies. They can be used as annotations in drawing views or in other functions. Automatic properties can be displayed also in a form of machine-readable QR code. Another group of functions automatically names Frame Generator parts or publishes assembly iMates. Dimensions can be added with predefined texts, symbols and tolerances.

X-Tools ribbon The full version of Inventor XTools is included in the free bonus materials "CADstudio CS+" for our Inventor customers, or this application can be purchased separately.

Setting options in X-Tools

A new option is the currently released version X-Tools LT. This application for Inventor 2013 has a limited functionality (iProperties plus QRcode), but it is available for free without restrictions. It can be also upgraded to full X-Tools. Do not install the LT version on a computer with the full version X-Tools. Installing the LT version is simple - you can set it directly from the "app store" Autodesk Exchange Apps:

Exchange Apps

See more information on Inventor XTools

See also:
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