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CS ERP Connector - Integration of PDM and ERP

Software application connecting PDM to enterprise information systems (ERP)

CS ERP Connector for Vault, Inventor and various types of ERP systems

CS Connector - Helios The custom software CS ERP Connector for Autodesk's PDM and CAD tools developed by CAD Studio allows the integration of CAD/PDM tools with enterprise information systems. CS ERP Connector is used to convert BOM links from CAD/PDM to your ERP system. CS Connector streamlines the designer's work and exchange of information within your company.

Benefits of using CS ERP Connector:
  • Streamlining the design - simple drawing and data transfer for further processing with optional display of basic CAD data in the ERP system.
  • Minimizing errors caused by data transmissions.
  • Smoother production planning and control - eliminating the need to enter new data manually for manufacturing and logistics by processing the construction documents, and the ability to view and process drawings, if they are attached to items or BOMs.

Using CS ERP Connector

Information that is defined within the design (in CAD application) is transferred to the ERP and can be there used for planning and manufacturing. A designer creates drawings and parts lists in the CAD application and then simply transfers new items to the ERP system. Here you can use the data to modify or immediately plan and execute the product manufacturing. The resulting effect is first of all a shorter cycle from the start of product design to its manufacturing and minimizing of errors associated with transfer of data between CAD and ERP systems. You can just check the BOM and export it to the respective Manufacturing module in your ERP system.

CS Connector vs. CSlink

In addition to CS Connector, CAD Studio offered also an older solution - CSlink for linking CAD applications with ERP systems. CS Connector, in contrast, connects the PDM system (Vault).

The PDM version (connected to Vault) offers better user functionality and comfort - you can automate the transfer of information or bind it to the current status of the document in terms of its validity. So the user works with controlled documentation driven through approval processes and workflows. Another advantage is the preview option to CAD documents including their validity- and revision history links directly from the ERP system. Plus you have an advantage of unification - there is no need to integrate each CAD tool separately, Autodesk Vault will encompass all the CAD tools you use.

Compare features:

Function CSlink (CAD) CS Connector (PDM)
Check and manual transfer of BOM from CAD to ERP Yes Yes
Transfer of the document validity (status) - document revisions, validity period -Yes
Controlled documentation through approval processes in Vault - a clear distinction of valid documents -Yes
Enforced control of properties and standards (Vault restrictions) -Yes
Delegation of preview links to CAD documents, incl. the document revisions and history, incl. measure and detail viewing (3D model, 2D drawing) -Yes

Practical linking CAD/PDM with ERP

CAD Studio has completed successful implementations of integrations between CAD/PDM product data and enterprise information systems such as Helios Orange, Qi, SAP, Axapta MS, TPV2000, ABRA, ALTEC, HoC, MAX, K2 Amitec, Infor SyteLine, Sysklass (Monaco), SQL Economist, Dialog 3000 VARIO. All these systems are based on the database systems MS SQL Server, Oracle, Paradox, dBASE, MS Visual FoxPro, MS Access and MS ODBC. On the CAD side, the design tools are covered by the PDM system Autodesk Vault (Inventor, AutoCAD Mechanical, AutoCAD, etc.). CS Connector can link to any other ERP systems with an API interface.

Connectivity to these systems can be provided in a broad range - from simple off-line synchronization from the Vault into the ERP system, up to direct communication between the databases of both systems with customized dialogs for CAD/PDM users.

CS Connector
CS Connector and ABRA

CS Connector
CS Connector and Helios (Vault)


Please contact CAD Studio for quote on implementation connecting your CAD and ERP systems.

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