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Mobile applications by CAD Studio

Google Play

We have published our two new mobile apps on the global appstore for Android mobile devices, Google Play. You can install them for free on your mobile phone or tablet.

Visit our company's Developer page on Google Play to download the apps, or search the text string pub:CAD Studio s.r.o. in your mobile Google Play store.

CAD Studio Direct

The first app is a communication tool CAD Studio Direct. This app aggregates all main communication channels by CAD Studio (in Czech only). So you can easily keep track of all the news published on the corporate website, on the web portals and and on other communication channels managed by CAD Studio - news, tips, utilities, CAD/BIM blocks, videos, blog postings on CAD Studio's blogs, Facebook and Twitter messages. Get instant news on CAD/CAM, BIM, GIS and PDM solutions and Autodesk products. You can also access CAD Studio Helpdesk and CAD eShop. Your mobile device will show automatic notifications when a new article, tip, or video is published. This app is in Czech only.

CSdirect CSdirect CSdirect

Units Converter

The second free mobile app is Units Converter, a universal converter of more than 750 physical units - the most widely used current, international and historical measurement units - volume, time, weight, density, force, pressure, torque, power, flow, luminous flux, etc. The list of converted units includes rare German, British, French, Austrian, Hungarian, Czech, Roman and Asian measurement units. The same converter is also available online on, or as an add-on palette for AutoCAD, Inventor and Fusion360. This mobile app is available in English only.

Units Units Units


Other CAD, BIM and GIS apps are listed on our page Autodesk mobile apps.

See also:
The latest CAD tips
#14431: What are the AutoCAD commands -FIND, FINDMATCH and FINDINCLUDE?
#14427: Set the number or description of the COGO point according to the nearest text.
#14423: CAD data conversion in Alias ends on timeout.
#14419: Autodesk Fusion does not respond to keyboard input.
#14417: Quick calculator on an AutoCAD keyboard shortcut.
The latest CAD files
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21.02.2025: Railway Tools - železniční nadstavba pro Autodesk Civil 3D 2025/2024/2023/2022 (trial a ...

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