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Attendance record on the CADforum 2016 conference - thanks


End of September, CAD Studio has hosted its traditional annual user conference - the 13th year of the CADforum 2016 conference, this time again in Brno, Czech Rep. CADforum has returned to a form of a 2-day event, dedicated not only to manufacturing industry (CAD/CAM/PDM) but also to architecture, engineering and construction (BIM) and geoinformatics (GIS/FM - GISforum). This event, a platform for exchanging experience among users of CAD/BIM/GIS applications, was attended by a record 380 professionals from the whole Czech and Slovak Republics.

From CADforum 2016

The conference presentations illustrated practical examples of CAD solutions implemented in Czech and Slovak companies, plus the latest developments in design software industry sketching the future of making things, including the revolutionary technology changes of Industry 4.0 - internet of things (IoT), generative design, additive manufacturing, 3D printing, product customizations, cloud, cooperative robots.

Both the discussions to the individual presentations, practical workshops and the popular Q&A session have confirmed deep interest of all visitors in practical issues and technological innovations in the CAx industry. Attendees had also chance to try out the latest DELL and HP workstations, Epson and HP printers, virtualized CAD workstations, 3D mice, 3D printers, drones, 3D glasses and "virtual reality" in CAD and BIM models.

CF2016 - 3D glasses CF2016 - QA CF2016 - round table

Congratulations to all winners of prizes sponsored by the conference partners, e.g Apple iPad Pro, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, Epson printers, 3D mice, laser scanner or barbadian rum.

All attendees can now download the conference presentations and photo gallery from

We hope that we have contributed to better a more effective deployment of CAD, BIM and GIS tools in Czech and Slovak companies. Thanks to all attendees.

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