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CAD Studio reports yearly growth of 21%

CAD Studio CAD Studio, an Autodesk Platinum Partner based in the Czech Republic, confirms positive economic trends with its 2014 Y/Y growth. Sales of Autodesk software increased by a quarter, in the manufacturing area by more than a half, compared to the year 2013. This growth was substantially driven by complex solutions - BIM in architecture and engineering, design automation (ETO) in manufacturing and sales automation by linking CAD/PDM and ERP systems.

Highlights of some of CAD Studio’s growth figures in the year 2014:

  • Total revenues in the Czech and Slovak republics: 303 mil. CZK (cca 11 mil. €)
  • Sales growth: +21 % Y/Y
  • Autodesk licenses sold: +25 % Y/Y
  • Autdesk licenses in MFG: 57 % Y/Y
  • Record number of new projects in GIS
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