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VaultADSync CS VaultADSync - synchronize Active Directory with Vault

Synchronize users and groups from Active Directory to Autodesk Vault

VaultADsync - link Active Directory with Vault

CADstudio VaultADsync is a companion standalone tool for Autodesk Vault Server which synchronizes your company's Active Directory database (LDAP) to your Vault Server database (ADMS). Synchronized user credentials allow to manage Vault PDM users and any changes in their names and groupings from a single source of truth - your company's Microsoft AD.

You can both create new Vault accounts and update existing Windows-login-mode Vault accounts from your central Active Directory. VaultADSync takes care about any new groups (e.g. new project groups), new users (e.g. new employees, new group members), user regrouping (e.g. new work assignments), and changing user accounts or groups (e.g. disabling leaving employees, changed e-mail addresses or changed family names when getting married, group renaming), etc. The key-link value between AD and Vault are the user login names. Any mixed-mode users (separate non-Windows-domain Vault credentials - login+password) will be skipped in VaultADSync.

VaultADsync is compatible with Vault Server 2018, 2019 and 2020. It consumes one Vault client license for the moment it synchronizes the accounts.

Active Directory
Autodesk Vault

VaultADsync Usage

Conditions to be followed

The Vault AD Sync tool uses an Active Domain account for its activities (Windows-login mode):

  • reading from the Active Directory
  • reading from the Vault
  • writing into the Vault

Therefore this account - the managing account (Windows login) for the ADSync tool - has to be preset as an Administrator in Vault and:

  • must already exist in your Vault (must be preset in the Vault)
  • must have appropriate rights within both the AD and Vault

A typical scenario is letting the VaultADsync run (synchronize) the user/group tree once or twice a day (or hour) from a separate machine - e.g. from a server - under a Windows AD account having Admin rights in your Vault ADMS.

The Vault AD Sync tool can be used only within single Active Domain.


Usage examples

The command line tool VaultADSync takes two optional arguments - their values are supplied following the colon (":") character:

  • VaultServer (the name of the Vault server)
    and / or
  • ADGroupMask (search pattern to retrieve AD groups)

Generally, the tool can be run in 3 modes:

  • show AD user groups only - example:

    VaultADSync adgroupmask:projects*

  • update only already existing groups in Vault from AD groups - example:

    VaultADSync vaultserver:SrvPdm

  • update already existing groups in a Vault from AD groups AND import any new AD group that complies with the given mask pattern - example:

    VaultADSync vaultserver:SrvPdm adgroupmask:projects*

Be careful when you need to use spaces in the search pattern mask - in this case you will need to use double quotes - example:

VaultADSync vaultserver:SrvPdm "adgroupmask:pdm prj *"

A short guideline can be displayed by running the VaultADSync tool without any arguments.

VaultADSync FAQ

What do you mean by "Vault group update" ?
  • any new AD group member is created and added in the Vault (can be a user or a group)
  • any disabled AD user is disabled in the Vault
  • Vault user data is updated (the first/last name, email address, account enabled/disabled)
  • user group email is updated
Do I need a Autodesk Vault license to run the ADSync ?

Yes. As the tool makes changes within the Vault groups and users, you will need a Autodesk Vault license to run this tool.

Vault AD Sync does not work - it shows a 401 error (unauthorized). What to do ?

Issue: the current windows login account (AD) is not imported into Vault user account

Solution: import your domain account into Vault and try again

Where can I get Vault ADSync ?

You can order the CADstudio Vault AD Sync on our CAD eShop - see Or contact us via e-mail on

VaultADSync History

  • Version (5/2019) - First release, for Vault 2018-2020

VaultADSync license (buy/order)

VaultACsync is a commercial software. You can buy it on our CAD eShop - Buy-CAD-eShop

You can download the free trial version of VaultADSync and test it for 15 days.

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