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AutoDWF and AutoPDF for AutoCAD

Automatic publishing of DWF and PDF files on every AutoCAD DWG save

AutoDWF and AutoPDF reactors by CAD Studio

The AutoCAD LISP utilities (reactors) AutoDWF and AutoPDF can automatically and transparently publish (co-save) DWF and PDF versions of your drawing on every Save performed in AutoCAD. You don't need to start any special command - just save your drawing as usual and AutoDWF/AutoPDF kicks in and saves also a DWF or PDF copy of your drawing. The save location, published contents (layout), upload, 2D/3D and other publishing parameters can be preset conveniently.



The AutoDWF.VLX file must be loaded into every AutoCAD document to auto-publish saved DWG to DWF. You can load it automatically using ACAD.LSP/ACADDOC.LSP or with the _APPLOAD command (drag it to the briefcase icon).


On every SAVE/QSAVE/END (Ctrl+S, etc.) of your DWG drawing, AutoDWF saves/publishes a copy of your drawing to a DWF file (2D or 3D). Old version of the DWF file is rewritten with the updated copy. You can setup the target folder for your DWF file and optionally upload it to a FTP or iPROJECT server.

Your drawing must by named (not "Drawing1.dwg") to autopublish a DWF file.

The AutoDWF command can be used to disable/re-enable the auto-publishing functionality (ON/OFF options):

  • The 'ON' and 'OFF' options just switch the reactor functionality On and Off (On by default).
  • The 'noQS' toggle sets whether the quick save, _QSAVE (Ctrl+S) command also publishes a DWF file or not.
  • The 'Folder' option sets the target folder/subfolder name (e.g.: C:\myDWFs, no trailing backslash).
  • The 'FolderType' suboption specifies how the 'Folder' name is used - the 'Absolute' setting just uses the 'Folder' name as the target, the default 'Drawing' option saves the DWF copy with the DWG file, 'Current' saves the DWF in the AutoCAD current (Start-In) folder.
  • The 'Layout' option specifies which layout is published. The default 'Current' means the current layout when the drawing was saved (= mostly Model), 'Model' means "always publish the Model tab", the new (4/2009) option '3Dmodel' will publish 3D DWF copy of the model tab, the option 'Specified' lets you specify a fixed layout name to publish (must exist in all drawings you will save). The 'All' option switches to a different DWF processing - all Layouts (must be initialized) are published to a multisheet DWF file.
  • The new (7/2009) 'Append' suboption will append layout name to the PDF filename. The 'Scale' suboption will leave the plot scale to Default (as is) instead of Fit to scale.
  • The 'Upload' option lets you automatically upload the published DWF to a FTP server or your iPROJECT server (see
  • The option 'Now' performs the DWF publishing on demand (not on save) - even when the reactor is switched Off (the same publishing settings are applied). You can e.g. call "AutoDWF Now" in your menu macros for final plotting.
  • The 'Status' option lists your current AutoDWF settings.

All AutoDWF settings are saved between AutoCAD sessions - they are stored in the Windows Registry, under:



The AutoPDF.VLX file must be loaded into every AutoCAD document to auto-publish saved DWG to PDF. You can load it automatically using ACAD.LSP/ACADDOC.LSP or with the _APPLOAD command (drag it to the briefcase icon).


On every SAVE/QSAVE/END (Ctrl+S, etc.) of your DWG drawing, AutoPDF saves/publishes a copy of your drawing to a 2D PDF file. Old version of the PDF file is rewritten with the updated copy. You can setup the target folder for your PDF file and optionally upload it to a FTP or iPROJECT server.

Your drawing must by named (not "Drawing1.dwg") to autopublish a PDF file.

The AutoPDF command can be used to disable/re-enable the auto-publishing functionality (ON/OFF options):

  • The 'noQS' toggle sets whether the _QSAVE (Ctrl+S) command also publishes PDF or not.
  • The 'Folder' option sets the target folder/subfolder name (e.g.: C:\myPDFs, no trailing backslash).
  • The 'FolderType' suboption specifies how the 'Folder' name is used - the 'Absolute' setting just uses the 'Folder' name as the target, the default 'Drawing' option saves the PDF copy with the DWG file, 'Current' saves the PDF in the AutoCAD current (Start-In) folder.
  • The 'Layout' option specifies which layout is published. The default 'Current' means the current layout when the drawing was saved (= mostly Model), 'Model' means "always publish the Model tab".
  • The 'Append' suboption will append layout name to the PDF filename. The 'Scale' suboption will leave the plot scale to Default (as is) instead of Fit to scale.
  • The 'Upload' option lets you automatically upload the published PDF to a FTP server or your iPROJECT server (see
  • The option 'Now' performs the PDF publishing on demand (not on save) - even when the reactor is switched Off. You can e.g. call "AutoPDF Now" in your menu macros for final plotting.
  • The 'Status' option lists your current AutoPDF settings.

All AutoPDF settings are saved between sessions - they are stored in the Windows Registry, under:

The output goes by default through the "DWG To PDF.pc3" plot definition file; you can change it (e.g. to "DWG To PDF Bonus Pack.pc3" or to your specific PDF driver) by setting the apdf:PC2name LISP variable:
(setq apdf:PC3name "DWG To PDF Bonus Pack.pc3")

Possible problems

The CAD Studio AutoDWF/AutoPDF tools were tested in AutoCAD 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. They run also in all AutoCAD "verticals" (industry-specific versions).

Please send possible questions and problems to:

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Download free CAD Studio AutoDWF

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