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Hatch2GISCAD Studio - Hatch2GIS

Export hatches to SDF database file or ESRI shapefile (SHP)

Hatch2GIS for AutoCAD Civil 3D and Map 3D

CADstudio Hatch2GIS is a small but powerful utility allowing user to convert AutoCAD hatches to GIS polygons with basic attributes (layer name, user description). Possible output formats are Autodesk SDF database file or ESRI shape file (SHP). User is able to select hatches manually by picking or automatically from the list of layers. Hatches, besides REGIONS and MPOLYGONS, are most common AutoCAD entities used for filling areas with very complex shapes (including polylines, circles, ellipses, splines etc.), moreover they can contain information about “holes”. The purpose of this application is to easily convert original AutoCAD plan or map drawing to any other GIS solution.


This application is compatible with Civil 3D 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 and AutoCAD Map 3D 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 (64-bit, any language version).


After typing the HATCH2GIS command you will be prompted for selection of hatches. There are two options of selection. Via mouse or via layer selection. If you want to select hatches from particular layer just click on keyword [By layer] in command prompt.

Export options

Right after you are done with selecting hatches press Enter and several dialog windows will appear.

Selecting type of export

In the Export type dialog you can choose between two types of output file. Both types use the coordinate system XY-M. If you need to translate to another coordinate system you can do it during import.

Selecting the insertion node

In the Mode dialog you can either Add to an existing SDF/SHP file or Create a brand new one.

Additional information

When export completes, the editor window shows info message about the export result.

Hatches and information about layers are stored in the output file (both types). The third field named “Description” is left empty for user purposes.


You can buy Hatch2GIS from the Autodesk Revit Exchange Apps store (click the icon).

Exchange Apps

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