Inventor, HSM/CAM, Fusion 360, Factory, Alias |
-- |
Český průvodce Fusionem 360 - rozšiřující panel (CZ only) |
1.4MB |
23.3.2021 V1.0 |
Revit Families |
Material library Sherwin-Williams Loxon/Harmony/ProIndustrial - paints, for AutoCAD/Inventor/Revit/Fusion360 (.adsklib) |
186MB |
1.5.2020 |
BIM knihovna RUG-CADstudio (RFA rodiny pro Revit, CS+)  |
38MB |
1.3.2019 V1.3 |
BIM knihovna interiérových dveří SOLODOOR pro Revit, parametrické, materiály, render-ready, SNIM (RFA, ADSKLIB)  |
3.14GB |
5.12.2018 |
Material library Sherwin-Williams DurationHome - paints, for Revit (.adsklib) |
99MB |
19.8.2018 |
Material library (.adsklib+textures) for the BIM library MRAMOROVY EFEKT (by BIMproject, see CADforum.cz) |
29MB |
14.7.2014 |
Material library (.adsklib+textures) for the BIM library PERITO (by BIMproject, see CADforum.cz) |
111MB |
11.6.2014 |
Systémy Rigips - elektronický katalog/aplikace sádrokartonových prvků pro Revit 2014 (BIM Project) |
51.8MB |
1.5.2014 |
Wienerberger Revit library - parametric RFA families for Revit 2010 (Lintel, MIAKO, slabs) - see also CADforum.cz |
14.8MB |
21.4.2009 |
Vault, ADMS |
Be.Smart Publisher4VLT V30.0/V29.5/V28.10/V27.17 - automated PDM publishing for Autodesk Vault Pro 2025-2020 (trial/update)  |
38MB |
22.7.2024 |
PartNumberGenerator - sekvenční číslování součástí, např. pro Vault Basic (CS+)  |
16kB |
27.7.2017 |
Games |
Rubix/K4kube - playable Rubik's cube in AutoLISP (by K4 CAD Solutions) |
49kB |
28.8.2021 |
Snake game in Visual LISP (two snake-games in .LSP for AutoCAD) |
41kB |
28.2.2021 |
Tennis game for AutoCAD (see Readme) |
18kB |
3.1.2020 V1.2 |
Piškvorky - Tic-Tac-Toe game for Inventor 2017-2019+, free, by CAD Studio |
946kB |
13.12.2018 |
RotBy - rotate blocks by the rotation of an existing block (LSP for AutoCAD) |
864 |
28.8.2018 |
MAZE - maze generator in VisualLISP, CLISP mod, orig. by J.Wingbermühle (LSP for AutoCAD) |
4909 |
9.6.2018 |
Tic-Tac-Toe game in Inventor iLogic, open the T3.iam (Inv2016+, by Agnim Agarwal) |
1MB |
13.10.2017 |
SpaceCADet - Asteroids-like game for AutoCAD 2013/2014 64-bit (by C.Janson, AU2012) |
2MB |
22.7.2013 |
GrumpyBlocks - Angry-Birds-like game for AutoCAD 2013/2014 64-bit (by C.Janson, AU2012) |
5.6MB |
22.7.2013 |
MineSweeper3D - free minesweeper game for Autodesk Inventor 2013/2012 32/64-bit |
5.3MB |
16.12.2012 |
Christmas tree (3D) in AutoCAD (XMAS routines by J.Uhden and D.Rudolph) |
4.3kB |
20.12.2007 |
TROY - Asteroids LISP game (ver.5 - faster) by Terry Miller |
70kB |
5.1.2007 |
Battle Ship game for AutoCAD (hra Lodě) by J.P.Sanders |
63kB |
6.7.2004 |
Mine Sweeper game for AutoCAD (miny) by J.P.Sanders |
31kB |
5.7.2004 |
Brain Exception - demonstration of Motion Induced Blindness in AutoCAD (unhandled exception in your brain) |
2.4kB |
5.11.2003 |
Fireworks in AutoCAD drawing (LSP) |
34kB |
1.10.2003 |
Rubik's Cube - the famous puzzle in AutoCAD (LSP) |
29kB |
13.12.2002 |
MasterMind game (Logik) for AutoCAD |
Slot Machine game for AutoCAD |
SpaceWars game for AutoCAD |
CAD Utilities and add-ins |
TPsearch - add-on for Fusion, search toolpaths by name |
1892 |
30.3.2025 |
Silniční extravilánové podsestavy 2025.1 pro Civil3D 2025+ (CS+ bonus)  |
7.5MB |
26.3.2025 |
Silniční extravilánové podsestavy 2024.2 pro Civil3D 2024+ (CS+ bonus)  |
7.5MB |
26.3.2025 |
CsvLayers - create/import layers from a list in a CSV/Excel file - see sample |
16kB |
24.3.2025 V1.8 |
ATTOUT/ATTIN - extended attribute processing, CSV/Excel, incl. dynamic properties and LT-support (VLX for AutoCAD) |
23kB |
20.3.2025 V1.1 |
AddArea - add total area of polylines, regions and hatches by layers (VLX for AutoCAD and LT) |
22kB |
20.3.2025 V1.7 |
AddLen - add total length of lines and curves by layers (VLX for AutoCAD and LT) |
11304 |
20.3.2025 V1.9 |
FieldLink - draw temporary lines between fields and their source objects, incl. tables (VLX for AutoCAD) |
14kB |
20.3.2025 V1.8 |
ML2PL - convert multilines to simple polylines (LSP LISP for AutoCAD) |
559 |
16.3.2025 |
HideDIM0 and HideDIMsm - hide zero-value or smaller-than dimensions (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1680 |
13.3.2025 |
WKTout - export DWG polygons and points to .WKT format (LSP for AutoCAD, CS+ for customers)  |
4.5kB |
12.3.2025 |
MathCalc - online engineering calculator palette in AutoCAD 2025-2015 (VLX LISP for AutoCAD and LT) |
20kB |
5.3.2025 V1.0 |
PlotDWGarr + LayDWGarr + wbDWGarr + pcDWGarr - plots a rectangular array of drawings from frames in DWG modelspace, or generate a set of layouts, separate DWGs, or page setups (VLX Lisp) |
32kB |
27.2.2025 V1.9 |
PlArcs2L - convert curved polylines to line-segmented (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
22kB |
26.2.2025 V1.1 |
COGOtext - set COGO point properties (number, descr.) from close texts (VLX LISP for Civil3D) |
21kB |
20.2.2025 V1.0 |
LookupXLS - lookup DWG texts and attribute values from Excel XLS tables, replace/hyperlink (VLX for AutoCAD) |
195kB |
18.2.2025 V1.6 |
Photos - link geo-tagged photos to AutoCAD DWG maps (LSP for AutoCAD, by CodeDing) |
10kB |
8.2.2025 |
Class Feeder 2.0.1 - CCI classification add-on for Revit 2025-2021 (CS+, CZ/EN, trial/update)  |
34MB |
7.2.2025 V2.0.1 |
CheckAngles - check allowed line angles, e.g. ortho, 45°, 30° (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
23kB |
27.1.2025 V1.0 |
DOBT - set draworder by object type and by layer (VLX for AutoCAD) |
19kB |
27.1.2025 V1.3 |
BlkCatalog - draws a catalog of all blocks defined in a drawing (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
21kB |
17.1.2025 V1.0 |
PatCatalog - draws a catalog of hatch patterns defined in all .PAT files (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
19kB |
17.1.2025 V1.2 |
IncText - renumber existing AutoCAD texts/mleaders with incrementing numbers (counter) |
23kB |
16.1.2025 V1.4 |
LTFly - automatically generate AutoCAD complex linetypes (with embedded text) on the fly (VLX LISP) |
23kB |
16.1.2025 V1.7 |
SelHatch0/DelHatch0 - selects/deletes damaged hatches with null areas (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
20kB |
5.1.2025 V1.2 |
FLay - automatic force layer for selected commands (drawing objects), AutoCAD LISP reactor (VLX) |
136kB |
2.1.2025 V2.6 |
2DPlot - generate AutoCAD 2D curves with parametric math functions - XY=F(U); VLX+FAS for AutoCAD (Win+Mac) |
1MB |
18.12.2024 V1.3 |
fAREA - creates a dynamic area label (acreage of the selected object/s), or length label (perimeter, fLENGTH), or property label (fPROP) - VLX LISP for AutoCAD |
18kB |
14.12.2024 V1.21 |
NumInText - round, add, multiple, cut, fill or delete numbers in drawing texts/attrs (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD and LT) |
45kB |
11.12.2024 V1.6 |
Txt2XLS - export selected drawing texts to Excel (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD and LT) |
18kB |
4.12.2024 V1.3 |
MoveTill - iterative move, scale or rotate 2D/3D DWG object till it touches a boundary (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
25kB |
26.11.2024 V1.2 |
Overlaps - finds any overlaps/intersections in a DWG file - texts, lines... (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
19kB |
21.11.2024 V1.1 |
TrimArr - trim dynamic array to polyline border, non-destructive (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
26kB |
21.11.2024 V1.1 |
ATrim - dynamically trim/extend DWG objects by painting (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
18kB |
21.11.2024 V1.2 |
3DConstruct - convert 3DFaces or wireframes to solid 3D constructs (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
20kB |
21.11.2024 V1.3 |
3DPlot - generate AutoCAD 3D surfaces with parametric math functions - Z=F(X,Y) |
29kB |
21.11.2024 V1.6 |
Csv2Table - import comma-delimited CSV file (Excel) to AutoCAD Table (VLX Lisp) |
18kB |
21.11.2024 V1.1 |
History - display (animate) the order the drawing entities were created (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
21.11.2024 V1.2 |
srxTEXT - search and replace AutoCAD drawing texts using regular expressions, supports batch scripts, table replacements, numeric intervals (free) |
21kB |
21.11.2024 V2.6 |
BlockCoords - export block coordinates and attributes and other properties to CSV (LSP for AutoCAD and LT) |
4501 |
4.11.2024 V1.3 |
SelDupBlk - select duplicate block references, with same attributes (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
21kB |
28.10.2024 V1.1 |
GeoCode - free forward and reverse geocoding for AutoCAD 2014+ maps - point to postal address, address to position, what3words (VLX LISP) |
530kB |
24.10.2024 V1.6 |
DrawAnim - animated line drawing in AutoCAD (LSP, CS+)  |
2$kB |
23.10.2024 |
DrawPoly - animate drawing of any curve (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
17kB |
23.10.2024 V1.1 |
DrGrid - draw 2D or 3D or polar grid lines, optionally numbered (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
28kB |
20.10.2024 V1.6 |
Txt2Blk - convert texts to attributes in block references, optional elevation, e.g. for schedules (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD and LT) |
17kB |
16.10.2024 V1.1 |
MPDFimport - import/attach multipage PDFs page by page (LSP for AutoCAD) |
2038 |
10.10.2024 |
AutoTurnOnDesignHistory - a Fusion add-on, automatically enable design history on STEP/IGES import |
51kB |
3.10.2024 |
RenameLOA reactor - auto-rename layouts by title block attributes (LSP for AutoCAD) |
4070 |
1.10.2024 |
SelectSimilar - extended version, for AutoCAD, LT and Web app (LSP) |
15475 |
21.9.2024 |
MinOf/MaxOf/MinOfCurve - select only the minimum/maximum object - shortest, largest, tallest, with highest ID (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
24kB |
16.9.2024 V1.5 |
LinOut - exports linetype definitions (incl. shape+text info) from an AutoCAD DWG drawing back to .LIN file |
17kB |
6.9.2024 V1.3 |
RRename - rename layouts, blocks, layers, linetypes, styles, groups, etc. using regular expressions (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD and Civil) |
16kB |
29.8.2024 V1.7 |
AutoExec.vlx - embed LISP macros into DWGs and load/execute them automatically on open (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
19kB |
16.8.2024 V1.1 |
InsertC + BlockC + ODataC- insert new (or renumber existing) blocks/attributes or Map object data with incrementing numbers (incremental numbering, counter) |
18kB |
16.8.2024 V1.13 |
MLfillet - fillet multilines (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
22kB |
30.7.2024 V1.1 |
PLKangles - display/check kink angles in polylines (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
28kB |
26.7.2024 V1.0 |
ScaleArea - scale DWG objects by reference area (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1020 |
20.7.2024 |
ChangePartRefData + AddPartRef + ListPartRefData - LISP tools for AMPartRef objects in AutoCAD Mechanical |
5kB |
11.7.2024 |
3Dfillet - fillet 3D polylines (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
20.5kB |
25.6.2024 V1.0 |
3Dflow+3DflowB - add directional flow arrows to 3D polylines and splines (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
17kB |
22.6.2024 V1.0 |
Click2XLS/Text2XLS - export clicked point coordinates or picked texts/dims to Excel sheets (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
28kB |
10.6.2024 V1.12 |
HideItem/ShowItem - hide individual elements in dynamic arrays or attributes (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
17kB |
31.5.2024 V1.1 |
Equation-driven curves (2D/3D) for Autodesk Fusion (by CodeReclaimers) |
1.1MB |
4.5.2024 |
ModDXF - generalized editor/lister of DWG-entity internal DXF-code properties (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
50kB |
2.5.2024 V1.5 |
HatchOverlap - detect any overlapping DWG hatches (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
16kB |
28.4.2024 V1.2 |
BatchExport for Inventor - iLogic macro, convert all IPTs to STEP, IGES, DWG, JT, 3D PDF, USD... (CS+ benefit)  |
5.5kB |
26.4.2024 |
ConvertUnits - online physical units conversion palette in AutoCAD 2025-2015 (VLX LISP for AutoCAD and LT) |
1.6MB |
26.4.2024 |
MeshIn - import STL, OBJ or 3DS files in AutoCAD as 3Dfaces (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
15kB |
30.3.2024 V1.0 |
TRANS - easy translation of AutoCAD drawing texts - either manual, Trados-assisted (translation memory), database-driven (dbTrans), or automatic via Google Translate, Bing Translator or DeepL - gTrans/bTrans/dTrans (limited free version) |
48kB |
13.3.2024 V1.13 |
DTMmoveB - drape blocks to DTM - 3Dfaces, Surface (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
17kB |
10.3.2024 V1.1 |
CDROMs - set of Wbem disk tools for AutoLISP |
3231 |
29.2.2024 |
SolSimilar - select all geometrically similar 3D Solids or Regions in a DWG (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
18kB |
27.2.2024 V1.2 |
Sel3Dsol - select/filter 3D solids by their height, volume, surface area or slenderness (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
16kB |
27.2.2024 V1.2 |
3Dprops - list volumes, surfaces, heights, bboxes of 3D solids (VLX for AutoCAD) |
18kB |
26.2.2024 V1.2 |
Voronoi diagram for AutoCAD (LISP, by ymg + M.Ribar) |
20kB |
2.2.2024 |
Speak - talking AutoCAD, speaks layer list, command reactor, say, etc. (LSP for AutoCAD amd LT) |
2955 |
26.1.2024 |
LGC/LGC2/LGC3/LGC4 - measure and label distances along a curve (VLX/LSP) |
21kB |
8.1.2024 V1.6 |
AutoPathPDF - set PDF path to DWG folder automatically (LSP reactor for AutoCAD+LT) |
1095 |
5.1.2024 |
2DpolyC - draw polyline using any length units (yd, ft, mi, inm, rod...) VLX LISP for AutoCAD+LT |
19kB |
19.12.2023 V1.1 |
Attractor - snap/fix object geometry to a grid or to existing objects (VLX for AutoCAD) |
22kB |
24.11.2023 V1.2 |
Tab2XLS - copy AutoCAD TABLE(s) to Excel with a single click, saves to CSV or tab delimited TXT, incl. Unicode (VLX Lisp) |
24kB |
15.11.2023 V1.5 |
BBox - draws permanent or temporary bounding boxes (rectangle, circle, 3D box or cylinder) for selected drawing objects, supports UCS (VLX LISP) |
18kB |
31.10.2023 V1.2 |
CS_Vlozit foto do souradnic_1.0.0.dyn, EXIF geoereference - Civil3D Dynamo script (CS+)  |
49kB |
30.10.2023 |
Geo2GPS - convert map clicks to GPS or UTM coordinates or maps in Google Maps, StreetView or Mapy.cz, co-author: johny (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
34kB |
29.10.2023 V1.3 |
CurveAxis - draw 2D/3D axis between two curves (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
19kB |
27.10.2023 V1.4 |
ClosestPt - find shortest line between points on two curves (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
28kB |
26.10.2023 V1.0 |
XrefStamp - dynamic list of attached xrefs, with paths, sizes and dates (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
21kB |
24.9.2023 V1.0 |
PkLength - export picked line lengths from DWG to Excel (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
33kB |
21.9.2023 V1.4 |
CurvComb - curvature or radius comb on curves (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
16kB |
20.9.2023 V1.0 |
CopyBlockE - copy/redefine block from another drawing (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
20kB |
20.9.2023 V1.1 |
SetByBlock - set object properties to ByBlock, incl. in blocks and arrays (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
16kB |
9.9.2023 V1.0 |
DBXscanLayers - batch scan DWG folders for specified layer names (VLX/DBX) |
18kB |
7.9.2023 V1.0 |
ReplMTcol - replace MText colors (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
19kB |
27.8.2023 V1.1 |
Snap2Curve - snap points, blocks, cogos onto the nearest curves (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
15.5kB |
18.8.2023 V1.0 |
GETCNAME - displays an AutoCAD command name in English, German, Czech, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Hungarian (VLX/LSP) |
1820 |
18.8.2023 |
PoNum - connect points by point numbers (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
16kB |
27.6.2023 V1.0 |
CopyToPts - copy object to existing points (LSP for AutoCAD) |
909 |
25.6.2023 |
DWGpropsCSV - batch import drawing properties from Excel (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
8.6.2023 V1.0 |
DWGprop - DWG properties import/export, by Irné Barnard |
3.7kB |
8.6.2023 |
REPLACE - add text search/replace to AutoCAD Web (LISP) |
3599 |
28.5.2023 |
CADexcel - MS Excel plugin for importing XY/XYZ coordinate from Excel to AutoCAD (LT) points, polylines or blocks (also part of CS LT Extension) |
894kB |
27.4.2023 |
DWGintVer - display product name & version & build used to save a DWG file (.NET for AutoCAD plus Windows console; CS+)  |
1.6MB |
11.4.2023 V1.2.3 |
Scatter - move/rotate/scale/recolor selected DWG objects (or draw) randomly in 2D or 3D or curves - orchard, parking, crowd, vertices... (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD and LT) |
29kB |
9.4.2023 V2.1 |
Arkance Systems Dynamo node library for Civil 3D (>800 new nodes); download the package directly in Dynamo  |
500kB |
19.3.2023 V7.2.0 |
4Psphere - create a 3D sphere from 4 points (LSP for AutoCAD) |
2163 |
18.3.2023 |
FPoly - draw fixed-length polyline with options (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
18kB |
1.3.2023 V1.1 |
DivBreak/MMeasure - breaks polylines and curves to a defined segment number/length - combines the BREAK and DIVIDE/MEASURE (bulk Measure) commands |
13kB |
20.2.2023 V1.3 |
TURBO toggle - switch AutoCAD to faster mode by setting all relevant variables (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD 2007-2023) |
16kB |
19.2.2023 V1.10 |
REFEDITW - add block editor to AutoCAD Web (LISP, see tip 13607) |
1348 |
21.1.2023 |
GrSelNum - add numbers in picked texts in a DWG drawing (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
19kB |
19.1.2023 V1.2 |
PageOf - creates a field with "Page N of M" layout counter or renames layouts (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
17kB |
31.12.2022 V1.2 |
EvalText - evaluate math expressions in DWG texts (LSP for AutoCAD) |
2210 |
20.12.2022 |
Att2Cons/Att2Var - transparently convert selected block attribute to Constant or Variable (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
15kB |
17.12.2022 V1.0 |
Open_From_My_Computer - add-on for Fusion 360, open F3D/F3Z locally |
35kB |
15.12.2022 |
Export_STL - export Inventor assembly parts into separate STL files for 3D printing (iLogic) |
11301 |
15.12.2022 |
AssyCOG - masses and COGs of Inventor assembly parts to Excel (iLogic) |
2785 |
15.12.2022 |
MechTitle - fill in title block with layout name (LSP for AutoCAD + Mechanical) |
1331 |
24.11.2022 |
DimDiff - differential dimension X,Y (LSP LISP for AutoCAD) |
607 |
23.11.2022 |
CS_2D body do 3D 1.0.0.dyn - Civil3D Dynamo script (CS+)  |
98kB |
24.10.2022 |
CS_Import COGO bodů do skupin 1.0.0.dyn - Civil3D Dynamo script (CS+)  |
96kB |
24.10.2022 |
BW - black-white background color toggle command for AutoCAD Web (LISP, see tip 13468) |
562 |
10.9.2022 |
GeoRefImg - georeferencing for AutoCAD and Architecture - automatic repositioning of raster images (with georeference world files); ECW/SID/JP2 added, worldout, imagesattach, agri |
273kB |
10.9.2022 V3.3 |
GEarth - linking georeferenced DWG with Google Earth window in AutoCAD (VLX LISP, based on CodeDing code) |
5kB |
16.8.2022 |
PropByLayer (former LColor) and PropByObject - change "bylayer" properties of selected objects to the color, linetype, lineweight and transparency of their layer, or set layer properties by 1st object; opposite to SetByLayer (LSP for AutoCAD) |
17kB |
16.8.2022 V1.1 |
Catenary curve (spline; cable sag line) generator (LSP LISP for AutoCAD, by G.Chanteau) |
5kB |
18.7.2022 |
Silniční extravilánové podsestavy 2023.1 pro Civil3D 2023+ (CS+ bonus)  |
28MB |
8.7.2022 |
FindFont - find all DWG texts using a specific font (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
17kB |
24.5.2022 V1.0 |
SelByAttr - select blocks by attribute values (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
23kB |
21.5.2022 V1.0 |
SelDB - select dynamic blocks by dynamic properties (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
18kB |
21.5.2022 V1.3 |
RenameCSV - rename layouts, blocks, layers, linetypes, styles, groups, etc. using Excel/CSV table (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
20kB |
15.5.2022 V1.1 |
COPY2LAY - copies selected objects to all specified DWG layouts (VLX for AutoCAD) |
14.5kB |
10.5.2022 V1.2 |
Parabola - true spline parabola, two methods (LSP LISP for AutoCAD) |
19kB |
22.4.2022 |
DBXscanBlocks - batch scan DWG folders for specified block names or attributes (VLX/DBX), CS+  |
19kB |
15.4.2022 V1.0 |
LayoutLF reactor - auto-switch layer group filter by layout name (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
18lkB |
12.4.2022 V1.0 |
ClassicUI - old toolpanels UI for Inventor 2014 and higher (CS+ bonus)  |
1MB |
11.4.2022 |
Silniční extravilánové podsestavy 2022.1 pro Civil3D 2022+ (CS+ bonus)  |
28MB |
18.3.2022 |
Silniční extravilánové podsestavy 2021.3 pro Civil3D 2021+ (CS+ bonus)  |
28MB |
18.3.2022 |
Silniční extravilánové podsestavy 2020.5 pro Civil3D 2020+ (CS+ bonus)  |
28MB |
18.3.2022 |
ASC.Kopirovani_geometrie.dyn - Revit Dynamo script |
2.8kB |
3.3.2022 |
RangeSel - select blocks by attribute range (from-to), LSP for AutoCAD |
1.5kB |
12.2.2022 |
VTXdist - add polyline vertices in intervals (divide/measure), VLX Lisp for AutoCAD |
2.3kB |
18.1.2022 |
Lin2Cyl/Cur2Cyl - converts selected lines or curves to 3D cylinders or tubes (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
17kB |
10.1.2022 V1.0 |
ListAssemblies - list selected Civil subassemblies incl. their DLL path (VLX for Civil) |
15.5kB |
3.1.2022 V1.1 |
SelectParentOccurrence - iLogic makro, v modelu sestavy Inventoru vybírá nadřazenou komponentu |
349 |
16.12.2021 |
najdiDiry - find holes - iLogic macro, bulk-selects all holes in a solid body (for Inventor) |
1272 |
16.12.2021 |
ExportujPlechy - exports all sheetmetal parts in an assembly as flat-pattern DXF files (iLogic for Inventor) |
3459 |
16.12.2021 |
F360 Diry - Holes - select faces by color and creates selection sets (add-on for Fusion 360) |
15kB |
16.12.2021 |
ScaleBB/RotateBB - scale/rotate multiple objects, by their individual ref.points (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
21.8kB |
15.12.2021 V1.3 |
ScaleIT - scale objects to individual ref.points (LSP for AutoCAD) |
780 |
5.12.2021 |
Snake fill (floor-heating curve) of an area between two curves (LSP for AutoCAD, by M.Ribar) |
21kB |
28.11.2021 |
SplineUnfold - unfold 3D spline to 2D curve (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1561 |
8.11.2021 |
* DTM - free Digital Terrain Model application for AutoCAD - TIN, volume, elevations, flowlines, meshes (VLX for AutoCAD and Map 3D) |
47kB |
19.10.2021 V1.5 |
3DSolSz - list sizes of 3D Solids or Boxes, incl. CSV export (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
16kB |
7.10.2021 V1.0 |
3Dintcurves - find intersections between lines and 3D solids (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
15kB |
5.10.2021 V1.0 |
GEO Translator - converter of Inventor sheetmetal unfolds to the TRUMPF .GEO format (trial, for Inventor 2022-2012) |
1.4MB |
24.8.2021 V1.11.0 |
3DF2L - converts 3DFaces to Lines/Plines (LISP for AutoCAD) |
2530B |
17.8.2021 |
Tazisko.dyn - ťažisko/těžiště/center of gravity Dynamo script - see youtu.be/J_g5rZ_bGQE |
41kB |
30.7.2021 |
StickLay - stick (glue) selected objects to their current layer (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
18kB |
11.7.2021 V1.0 |
FlipFace - flip selected 3DFaces (reverse normals) - LSP for AutoCAD |
1501 |
26.6.2021 |
AGACAD Tools4BIM Dock (CZ) for Revit 2021/2020, zdarma |
38MB |
16.6.2021 |
Sol2SolH - converts 2D Solids to solid Hatches (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
16kB |
25.5.2021 V1.2 |
fVolume - creates a dynamic volume label (volume of the selected 3D object) |
2120 |
6.5.2021 |
CS LT Extension V1.22 - set of productivity tools for AutoCAD LT - line lengths, block report, text export... (CS+ bonus app)  |
808kB |
16.4.2021 V1.22 |
CS_Frekvence koridoru.dyn - Civil3D Dynamo script - hromadné nastavení frekvence koridorů (CS+)  |
44kB |
10.3.2021 |
MoveAtt - moves attributes in multiple blocks (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
16kB |
15.2.2021 V1.1 |
DXEdel - delete references to .DXE files created by the DATAEXTRACTION command (VLX for AutoCAD) |
11kB |
15.2.2021 V1.2 |
PurgeSmall - delete small elements (lines, polys, arcs, texts, blocks) from a DWG drawing file (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
16kB |
11.2.2021 V1.2 |
COT - Convert old table - converts lines, texts and blocks to AutoCAD TABLE objects (by J.Villarreal) |
30kB |
29.12.2020 V1.7 |
DBXscanImg - scans DWG files in a folder and reports any drawing files with references to Images or PDF underlays (VLX/DBX) |
13kB |
23.12.2020 V1.0 |
EditCustomProperties - change order and edit DWG properties (LSP, by kruuger) |
27kB |
12.11.2020 |
Clock.dyn - drive Revit clock family with Dynamo, see CADforum block 20915 and tip 12785 (author: Mina Abadir) |
96kB |
31.10.2020 |
CS_Vrstvy_násypu.dyn - Civil3D Dynamo script - rozdělení tělesa násypu na vrstvy pro pokládku a hutnění (CS+)  |
35kB |
30.10.2020 |
CheckLarge - simple check for too large coordinates in AutoCAD DWGs (LISP) |
872 |
14.10.2020 |
Txt2Ref - convert texts to block references of the same name (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
14kB |
9.10.2020 V1.1 |
Polyhedra - construct 3D polyhedrons, mesh or solid (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
80kB |
3.9.2020 V1.0 |
Rhomboid - draws parallelograms/rhomboids in various construction modes (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
17kB |
2.9.2020 V1.0 |
MillAnim - animate 3D milling on AutoCAD solids (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1460 |
1.9.2020 |
ReplaceBlock - replaces block references with another block, incl.dynamic, attribs (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
15kB |
23.8.2020 V1.0 |
ReLinkField (RLF) - re-link dynamic text field to a selected source object (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
15kB |
28.7.2020 V1.0 |
STLin - import ASCII STL files (3D models) into AutoCAD (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
15kB |
18.6.2020 V1.1 |
Rotate.dyn - simple Dynamo script, rotate selected RFA families - "sunflower" |
5.9kB |
2.6.2020 |
Triangle - construct triangular polylines defined by sides and angles, optional labels (VLX for AutoCAD) |
17kB |
1.6.2020 V1.2 |
UnfoldRS - unfold 3D rulesurfs to flat patterns (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
20kB |
29.5.2020 V1.1 |
BRename - rename selected block (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1326 |
25.5.2020 |
Att2elev - set block elevations (Z) by their attribute values (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
14kB |
21.5.2020 V1.0 |
BreakPls - breaks selected polylines at point objects (VLS Lisp for AutoCAD) |
14kB |
7.4.2020 V1.1 |
Centroid - draw center of gravity (CG/COG) point of polylines, regions and 3D solids, incl. volumes (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
16.8kB |
3.4.2020 V1.1 |
View11 - zoom modelspace objects on your monitor to physical 1:1 size in mm |
14kB |
1.4.2020 V1.2 |
PerpFrom - draw perpendicular from a curve foot, dynamic, transparently 'PF (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
14.5kB |
23.3.2020 V1.1 |
BufZone - create Buffer or Wipeout zones around line objects (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
19kB |
4.3.2020 V1.1 |
Sol2Mesh and Sol2Faces - convert 3DSolids to 3DMeshes or 3DFaces (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD 2011-2020+) |
15kB |
18.2.2020 V1.2 |
XOffset - multiple offsets inwards/outwards/symmetric, sel.layer (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
14kB |
11.2.2020 V1.3 |
Česká knihovna ocelových prvků pro Revit 2020, konstrukční přípoje (ČSN) - parametrické sloupy a nosníky HEA, HEB, IPE, UPE, UPN, L, RHS, STB, SHS, JAKL (RFA for Revit CZ); CS+/VIP  |
16MB |
29.1.2020 |
ASCPOINT.LSP - imports a coordinate text file into AutoCAD points, polylines or block copies (T.Tanzillo+CADstudio) |
12kB |
21.1.2020 |
UpdateTable - revive DWG tables with dead fields/expressions (.Net DLL for AutoCAD) |
6kB |
14.1.2020 |
PanVPs - pan viewports, change view in multiple viewports (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
18.12.2019 |
DimFixT - quick 1-click/2-clicks dimensioning (LSP LISP for AutoCAD) |
905 |
18.12.2019 |
ToMulti - convert polylines to multi-lines by definitions in the .Tab file (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
16.12.2019 V1.3 |
TMaskXP - create semitransparent MText mask (LSP for AutoCAD) |
499 |
24.10.2019 |
CenOf - get center point (XYZ) of selected objects (LSP for AutoCAD) |
2147 |
21.10.2019 |
AddV/DelV - interactively adds or deletes 2D/3D polyline vertex by picking (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
19kB |
11.10.2019 V1.5 |
LabelArcs - label all selected arcs with radius and arclength (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1515 |
23.9.2019 |
Gaps - mark gaps, loose ends on lines in a DWG (VLX LISP for AutoCAD |
15kB |
7.9.2019 V1.0 |
PkArea - export picked closed areas from DWG to Excel (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
29kB |
23.8.2019 V1.0 |
HelixAlongPath.lsp - helix along a 3D path (by G.P.Cattaneo) |
7.8kB |
12.6.2019 |
DimMask - adds text mask with specified color and offset to selected dimensions (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD and LT) |
20kB |
18.5.2019 V1.2 |
Curve2Lin - convert any curve to segmented (poly)line, keep vertices, optimize (CS+ bonus for AutoCAD)  |
16kB |
4.5.2019 V1.2 |
SetACIcolor - convert truecolor to ACI color in selected objects and blocks (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
15kB |
22.4.2019 V1.1 |
PtMesh - convert data matrix to a 3D mesh (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
32kB |
21.4.2019 V1.0 |
BLegend - creates a visual table (legend) of blocks and dyn.blocks used in the drawing (VLX for AutoCAD) |
29784 |
17.4.2019 V1.5 |
DelInLo - delete selected objects in all layouts (LSP for AutoCAD) |
386 |
16.4.2019 |
Spring - create 3D spring solids, helical objects (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
7kB |
13.4.2019 |
SSX - modified Express Tool "SSX" - select objects across layouts, incl.texts, copy to Express folder (LSP for AutoCAD) |
8860 |
8.4.2019 |
DelDupPts - delete duplicate points and COGO points (VLX LISP for AutoCAD/Civil) |
14.3kB |
4.4.2019 V1.1 |
Import RÚIAN V1.2.25 - převod dat registru RÚIAN do relačních databází Oracle a MS SQL a GIS modelů Autodesk (Trial/Update, 64-bit) |
3.4MB |
22.2.2019 V1.2.25 |
Syn - synchronize block attributes, keep selected properties (V1.41c, by Patrick_35) |
12kB |
20.2.2019 |
MCurve2Wall.dyn - Dynamo script, convert model curves to Revit walls |
70kB |
4.2.2019 |
Copy layer properties from one viewport to all other layouts/viewports (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
14kB |
25.1.2019 V1.0 |
WatchCMD - LISP reactor, logs invoking of specific AutoCAD commands (CS+)  |
3kB |
23.1.2019 |
ImgEdit - edit raster image by double-clicking (LSP for AutoCAD) |
792 |
22.1.2019 |
CMDtimer - timing/benchmarking reactor - reports execution time of any AutoCAD command (LISP) |
1138 |
4.1.2019 |
TextHalo - add a color/bkg halo to selected texts (halotext, LSP for AutoCAD) |
12kB |
12.12.2018 |
DGNspline2poly - convert DGN-imported spline to 2D/3D polyline with same vertices (VLX, CS+)  |
13.8kB |
5.12.2018 V1.0 |
DelProxy - erase proxy objects from AutoCAD DWG drawing (VLX Lisp) |
11396 |
14.11.2018 V1.2 |
PaintSelect - select objects by painting, new object selection method (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
16kB |
19.10.2018 V1.0 |
Sel2BlkRef - auto-replace selected/similar objects with block references (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
15kB |
17.10.2018 V1.0 |
Unformat - strip formatting control codes in MTexts, Dimensions, MLeaders and Tables (LSP for AutoCAD) |
4374 |
26.9.2018 |
AreaTab - insert picked parcel numbers and their areas into table rows (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
17kB |
20.9.2018 V1.1 |
TCount - modified incremental text counter for Express Tools, no spacing parameter (LSP for AutoCAD, load after ET) |
8713 |
6.9.2018 |
PLDiet (PLD) - simplify LWpolylines, reduce number of vertices, weed (by B.Hailey, CAB, K.Cooper; LSP for AutoCAD) |
9825 |
3.9.2018 |
ReTemplate - apply a changed template drawing to your DWG file (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1535 |
2.8.2018 |
VerticesBlk, EndBlk - insert block at each line or polyline vertex (also 3D; and optionally in arc midpoints, or only in endpoints) |
16kB |
16.7.2018 V1.6 |
POLYVERT - list coordinates of polyline vertices (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1321 |
7.6.2018 |
DynArea - dynamic polygon area labels (VLX LISP for AutoCAD), see also pkArea |
24kB |
17.5.2018 V1.0 |
DynSpacing (DSPC) - dynamically adjust mtext character spacing/kerning (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
21.4.2018 V1.0 |
UnMask - remove background mask fill from Texts, Leaders and Dimensions (LSP for AutoCAD) |
683 |
16.4.2018 |
UCSauto reactor - always keeps UCS parallel to the current View-plane (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1866 |
4.4.2018 |
DimExp - export dimension values to CSV/Excel (LSP for AutoCAD) |
820 |
24.3.2018 |
FlipCen - flip objects around their center, mirror horizontal, vertical or in Z-axis (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13624 |
9.3.2018 V1.1 |
VSauto reactor - automatically switch visual style for ortho/3D views (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1783 |
20.1.2018 |
3DPolyC/3DPolyS - draw 3D polyline by entering 3Dlength,azimuth,slope or elevation,slope,2Dpoints (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
16kB |
4.1.2018 V1.2 |
OBJ2DWG - import .OBJ files to AutoCAD PFace meshes (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
14kB |
12.12.2017 V1.0 |
Česká knihovna ocelových prvků pro Revit 2018 (pouze), konstrukční přípoje (ČSN) - sloupy a nosníky HEA, HEB, IPE, UPE (RFA) |
4.3MB |
12.12.2017 |
SelByAnnoScale - select objects by their assigned annotation scales (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1156 |
12.12.2017 |
Views0 - preset 3D views on NumPad keys (LSP for AutoCAD) |
533 |
12.12.2017 |
WPtoExcel - export XYZ coordinates of model workpoints to Excel, CSV (iLogic rule for Inventor) |
1190 |
12.12.2017 |
RotAtt0 - align all block attributes back to "byBlock" (LSP for AutoCAD) |
625 |
12.12.2017 |
UnDynamic - convert dynamic blocks to static, by MP Seagull (LSP for AutoCAD) |
5271 |
11.12.2017 |
BANA - make all block attributes non-annotative (LISP for AutoCAD) |
1292 |
29.11.2017 |
TraceCurve - creates traced points/blocks (stations) in given distances along a curve (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
17kB |
21.11.2017 V1.2 |
AddMe - sums values of numbers in all selected drawing texts (LSP for AutoCAD) |
314 |
18.11.2017 |
SVG Export for Inventor - exports unfolded sheetmetal outlines to SVG file, iLogic (CS+ utility)  |
9kB |
20.10.2017 |
Normals (and FlipFace) - draw or flip normals of 3DFaces or recolor 3DFaces facing towards/away from the camera (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
15kB |
4.10.2017 V1.2 |
Depends - list all file dependencies in the current DWG - xrefs, images, fonts, underlays, BIM etc. (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
22kB |
23.9.2017 V1.4 |
TrimOuter - trim drawing objects outside a boundary/rectangle (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1478 |
11.9.2017 |
AllLOT - set plot transparency for all layouts in a DWG (LISP for AutoCAD) |
904 |
10.9.2017 |
VDZ3D - nahradí široké (i přerušované) křivky obrysem - např. pro vytažení do 3D nebo promítnutí na povrch (VLX Lisp, CS+)  |
7.5kB |
28.8.2017 |
DTMcolSl - analyze/color terrain model (3DFACEs) slopes in AutoCAD (VLX Lisp) |
16kB |
28.8.2017 V1.2 |
DTMcol - analyze/color terrain model (3DFACEs) elevations in AutoCAD (VLX Lisp) |
14kB |
28.8.2017 V1.2 |
AttDefault - reset block attribute(s) to default values (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
15.8kB |
16.8.2017 V1.0 |
DBXscanRevit - scans folders for DWG files created in Revit - generates a report (VLX/DBX) |
13kB |
30.6.2017 V1.0 |
BuildingID - info about the Revit source model from exported DWG (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
30.6.2017 V1.0 |
BLKREDEF.LSP - redefines a drawing block with an updated version from a DWG file (can be batch scripted) |
1722 |
23.6.2017 |
RIblock - replace selected instances of a block (or blocks) with another block, sync attributes, dyn.parameters (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
28kB |
25.5.2017 V1.4 |
DimCurve - dimension length of any 2D/3D curve (or distance on curve) in AutoCAD (VLX Lisp) |
17.5kB |
12.4.2017 V1.1 |
AnimPar - animate DWG drawing by driving dyn.block parameters or dim.constraints (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
15kB |
19.3.2017 V1.0 |
Region2Poly - convert 2D regions to polylines (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
12.6kB |
1.3.2017 V1.1 |
XAttachP - attach xref from specified path (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
9.2.2017 V1.0 |
Lay2TC - convert layer ACI colors to truecolors (LSP for AutoCAD) |
940 |
8.2.2017 V1.1 |
RoundT / RoundT2 - round drawing texts/attr to given number of decimal places, see also NumInText (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
15kB |
30.1.2017 V1.4 |
3DStretch - interactive stretching of objects' faces (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1kB |
8.1.2017 |
Hatch2L - hatch area between two boundary polylines (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
17kB |
4.1.2017 V1.0 |
CCText - clipboard-copy drawing texts (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
15kB |
15.12.2016 V1.0 |
CoDOf - copy with directional distance offset (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
14kB |
15.12.2016 V1.0 |
Re-Assoc - reassociate disassociated/disconnected dimensions (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
12kB |
2.12.2016 V1.0 |
TotalLayouts reactor for "Page X of Y" fields (LSP for AutoCAD) |
264 |
15.11.2016 |
2D3Dpoly - converts 2D polylines to 3D polyline objects (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
11.10.2016 V1.1 |
ImportUCS - import named coordinate systems from another DWG (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
26.9.2016 V1.1 |
CSV2PTS - read CSV file with Z-coordinates of points in a regular X-Y grid to a 3D mesh (LISP for AutoCAD) |
24kB |
1.9.2016 |
CWipeout - circular wipeout (LSP for AutoCAD) |
545 |
31.8.2016 |
RotAlign - align blocks to curve (CS+ bonus: natočení bloků podél křivky)  |
14kB |
23.8.2016 V1.0 |
DUP - make a duplicate copy of selected objects, also repeatedly (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
12560 |
22.6.2016 V1.0 |
FLD2TXT - convert fields to static texts (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
19.6.2016 V1.0 |
evalVBS - evaluate VBScript functions from AutoLISP (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1470 |
12.6.2016 |
SelfIntersect - check for self-intersections, duplicate and zig-zag/retracing vertices in polylines (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
15.5kB |
30.5.2016 V1.4 |
MakeMore (Kent Cooper) - create similar drawing object as the selected one (LSP for AutoCAD) |
31kB |
16.5.2016 |
DynLTscale (DLTS) - scale linetypes dynamically by mouse dragging (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
21.4.2016 V1.0 |
HidePStyle - hides objects with selected plot style (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
14kB |
14.4.2016 V1.1 |
OpenDwgContextMenuBuilder - creates Explorer DWG context menu for choosing AutoCAD version to open the DWG (CS+ bonus)  |
423kB |
13.4.2016 |
DWGsign Reader - read watermarks (signatures) in DWG drawings, free (for AutoCAD 2016)  |
2.4MB |
12.4.2016 V1.0 |
PatOut - export hatch pattern definition back to a .PAT file (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
12.4.2016 V1.2 |
Reset210 - resets the extrusion/normal vector of DWG objects to [0,0,1] (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
6.4.2016 V1.1 |
BlockRef - replace repeating 3D solids with block references (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
16kB |
17.3.2016 V1.0 |
Pol2Cir - convert circular polylines and donuts to circles (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
15kB |
6.3.2016 V1.0 |
Undef2 - undefine (deny) specified AutoCAD commands, list stored in Registry (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
15kB |
23.2.2016 V1.0 |
SlopeV - křivka se segmenty zadanými horizontální délkou a sklonem (úhel,%,‰,1:X) - LISP pro AutoCAD (CS+)  |
13kB |
5.2.2016 V1.1 |
NBlockList - lists all used blocks + nested blocks and their layers (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
18kB |
14.1.2016 V1.0 |
DBXremSL, DBXscanSL - scans DWG files, reports and removes excessive annotation scale lists in all drawings in selected folder (VLX/DBX) |
17.4kB |
6.1.2016 V1.4 |
RvtShellExt - Windows Explorer extension - display RVT/RFA file version |
12kB |
14.12.2015 |
HltNode - highlight polyline nodes temporarily (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
14kB |
25.11.2015 V1.0 |
DGNconvert - batch convert selected DGN files to DWG (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD; CS+ bonus)  |
26kB |
10.11.2015 V1.2 |
MMleader - masked-text multileader command (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
13552 |
15.9.2015 V1.0 |
SMove - stretched move, proportionally stretch ref.points of selected objects (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
18kB |
31.8.2015 V1.0 |
CenRect - draw rectangle from center (LSP for AutoCAD) |
823 |
31.7.2015 |
SPath - find shortest path between two points on a network (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
17kB |
30.6.2015 V1.0 |
WPS - select objects inside a picked polyline or circle (LISP, AutoCAD) |
1142 |
8.6.2015 |
PtOutline - convex outline (hull) of selected 2D/3D points (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13520 |
25.3.2015 V1.0 |
ViewText - align texts to the current 3D view, make them readable (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
18.3.2015 V1.0 |
LineIntArc (LIA) - bridge line intersections (conductors) with an arc (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
13836 |
11.3.2015 V1.1 |
LTspiral.xlsx - example of 2D spiral calculated in Excel, XY polyline ready to paste into AutoCAD LT |
15519 |
9.3.2015 |
SelFace - select trilateral, quadrilateral, degenerated, singular, horizontal or ccw 3DFaces in drawing (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD, incl. Sel3face) |
14kB |
7.3.2015 V1.1 |
Keyboard pan for AutoCAD 2015 (kbdpan.cuix for CUILOAD), pan with Ctrl-numpad keys, Shift+Ctrl+F1 for CADforum.cz help |
12kB |
3.3.2015 |
Import RÚIAN V1.2.2 - převod dat registru RÚIAN do relačních databází Oracle a MS SQL a GIS modelů Autodesk (Trial/Update, 32/64-bit) |
96MB |
15.2.2015 V1.2.2 |
P2C+C2P - converts points to circles and circles to points (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
8872 |
5.1.2015 V1.1 |
LogBook (V0.9, beta) - creates log file with all changes in a DWG drawing (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
30kB |
15.12.2014 |
InsertX - insert a block stored in another DWG drawing (VLX for AutoCAD) |
16kB |
13.10.2014 V1.2 |
SelSim - select similar objects (type+layer), across layouts (LSP for AutoCAD, by A.Wuellner, M.Perry) |
1476 |
22.9.2014 |
Col2Lay - batch convert entity colors to separate layers, e.g. for rendering tools (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
11kB |
19.9.2014 V1.1 |
Platonic polyhedra unfolding: TET, HEX, OCT, DOD, ICO (LSP for AutoCAD, by Tim Urbaniak) |
5486 |
17.9.2014 |
Platonic polyhedra (3D) - tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron (LSP for AutoCAD, by Takaya Iwamoto) |
10782 |
17.9.2014 |
IncObj - incrementally number any DWG objects into hyperlinks (can be scheduled to EXTRDATA) |
15kB |
8.9.2014 |
Txt2Face - converts TTF texts to faces/meshes (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD 2000-2015) |
13kB |
29.8.2014 V1.0 |
DBXscanFus - scans folders for DWG files created in Fusion 360 - generates a report (VLX/DBX) |
12kB |
15.7.2014 V1.0 |
DimsReplace - replace measured value with hard-coded dimension text incl. optional add/multipl. factors (LSP for AutoCAD) |
937 |
5.7.2014 |
RotA - rotate objects around their individual ref. points (LSP for AutoCAD) |
560 |
27.6.2014 |
LayoutSw reactor switches LTSCALE and PSLTSCALE automatically on each layout/modelspace change |
13.3kB |
23.5.2014 V1.1 |
DBXscanInv - scans folders for DWG files saved (not exported) from Inventor - generates a report (VLX/DBX) |
12kB |
21.5.2014 V1.0 |
QBEblock - search for block attribute values by example (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13628 |
5.5.2014 V1.0 |
UniScale - change the "Scale uniformly" flag on/off for all blocks (LSP for AutoCAD) |
581 |
25.4.2014 |
InsertBlks - insert all DWG files in a folder as blocks (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1434 |
24.4.2014 |
BParea - pick point to draw area label (VLX for AutoCAD) |
9616 |
12.4.2014 V1.1 |
ShortPath - shortest path connecting points in DWG, travelling salesman problem, orig. by E.Elpanov |
10kB |
3.3.2014 |
P2BLK - replaces points and circles with blocks (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
3.3.2014 V1.2 |
KLOT - Clothoide curve - arc to line (LSP for AutoCAD) |
3231 |
16.2.2014 |
CSreportAtt - extracts selected block attributes or DWG properties to a TXT file, e.g. for ScriptPro (CS+)  |
14kB |
30.1.2014 V1.0 |
GetAng - return picked angle on any angle prompt (LSP for AutoCAD) |
589 |
26.1.2014 |
INTLINES - draws points in all intersections of selected objects, lines, incl. self-intersections (cdnc5-02.LSP by B.Kramer) |
4749 |
10.1.2014 |
TabDeStyle - strip formatting/style from Excel-pasted tables (VLX LISP for AutoCAD, CS+/VIP)  |
14kB |
17.12.2013 |
FaceArea - total surface area of selected 3DFACEs (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1016 |
10.12.2013 |
Click2OO - copy coordinates of clicked points to OpenOffice/StarOffice Calc (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
16kB |
10.12.2013 V1.0 |
FlipDimArrow2 - flip arrows (inside/outside) for selected dimensions (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
12kB |
1.12.2013 |
TxtOverlap - find, mark and traverse overlapped texts in the drawing (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
12kB |
23.9.2013 V1.0 |
DBXscanXref - scans DWG files in a folder and reports all Xrefs referenced in the individual drawings (VLX/DBX) |
13kB |
9.9.2013 V1.2 |
LinkText - link a text/mtext entity to another text, keeps them synchronized (VLX for AutoCAD) |
14.5kB |
2.9.2013 V1.1 |
LinCatalog - draws a catalog of complex linetypes defined in a .LIN file or in the DWG (free AutoLISP utility) |
21kB |
13.8.2013 V1.2 |
DynFrame - frames selected text with dynamic frame and offset (mleader) |
14kB |
9.8.2013 V1.2 |
XpDeep - explodes a block including deep nested blocks (LSP; CS+)  |
440 |
16.7.2013 |
ReAnon - přejmenuje nebo odstraní všechny typy anonymních bloků v DWG (LSP; CS+)  |
1431 |
8.7.2013 |
DelGrpA - delete anonymous groups (*A####) from AutoCAD drawing (LSP) |
383 |
6.7.2013 |
SaveOrig command - save DWG in the original file format/version (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
20.6.2013 V1.0 |
DBXscanSHX - scans folders for DWG files containing references to SHX files - generates a report (VLX/DBX) |
14kB |
18.6.2013 V1.1 |
DBXscanMech - scans folders for DWG files containing Mechanical objects - generates a report (VLX/DBX), CS+  |
12kB |
18.6.2013 V1.1 |
CopyViews - imports named views from another drawing (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
10.6.2013 V1.1 |
ImgAdj - set image width/height (pixel aspect ratio) independently (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
12196 |
19.5.2013 |
FixArea13 - fix polylines with overlapping segments for Area calculations in AutoCAD 2013 (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
6.4.2013 |
CADstudio FDO LineStyle 2014 - generates line style symbols for FDO layers (AutoCAD Map, MapGuide) from drawing objects |
2.5MB |
2.4.2013 |
CADstudio FDO LineStyle 2013 - generates line style symbols for FDO layers (AutoCAD Map, MapGuide) from drawing objects |
2.5MB |
2.4.2013 |
CADstudio FDO LineStyle 2010-2012 - generates line style symbols for FDO layers (AutoCAD Map, MapGuide) from drawing objects |
2.6MB |
2.3.2013 |
BlkAnnot - change the Annotative flag for selected blocks (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
14kB |
26.2.2013 V1.1 |
CityGML - export simple polyline outlines from DWG to CityGML XML format (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
17kB |
19.12.2012 V1.1 |
Gatte - edit block attributes, even "XXX_YYY" (a modified Express Tool) |
7542 |
12.12.2012 |
SphereProj - project 2D curve(s) to a sphere (freeware VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
14kB |
9.12.2012 |
LOMAN - layout manager - quickly switch between layouts, sort layouts (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
20kB |
9.11.2012 V1.3 |
LAYNSEL - move selected objects to a picked (sub)object's layer (LSP for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
16.10.2012 V1.1 |
ConvertDXF - batch convert DWG files to DXF (VBA for AutoCAD) |
28kB |
11.10.2012 |
KopirujText.LSP - copy text content from source to target text entities (Pajas+Hadraba) |
2kB |
14.9.2012 |
SELBLK.LSP - select all blocks of the same name as the picked block or by wildcards |
1310 |
2.9.2012 |
CopyPageSetups - copy current page setups to all DWG files in the selected folder (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
13.6kB |
29.8.2012 V1.0 |
FLAY.TAB - automatické členění hladin pro konstrukce v AutoCAD Plant 3D (vyžaduje utilitu FLay) |
779 |
31.7.2012 |
Anaglyph - generate 3D stereograms, anaglyphs (red-cyan pictures) of AutoCAD 3D models (.NET for AutoCAD 2013) |
1.2MB |
15.5.2012 |
BCount - count blocks, enhanced Express Tool command with dynamic blocks support (LSP for AutoCAD) |
3876 |
23.4.2012 |
ACADtweet - Twitter for AutoCAD 2013/2012 - send and read tweets (statuses) directly from AutoCAD command line (.NET tool, installer) |
1.5MB |
14.4.2012 |
Modulus - section modulus (Wx/Wy) for 2D profiles (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD)
11kB |
19.3.2012 V1.4 |
DBXscanAEC - scans folders for DWG files containing AEC objects - generates a report (VLX/DBX), CS+ tool  |
12kB |
11.3.2012 V1.0 |
FLayDel - delete all Frozen, Off or Locked layers (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD 2007+) |
13kB |
6.3.2012 V1.0 |
ReCoder - překódování DWG textů z jiné kódové stránky, codepage (CS+, LSP pro AutoCAD)  |
5.7kB |
1.3.2012 |
Sp2Pl - converts selected splines to polylines (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD 2011+) |
12kB |
24.2.2012 |
LLtype - change linetype of "bylayer" objects to the linetype of their layer; opposite to SetByLayer (LSP for AutoCAD) |
964 |
24.1.2012 |
CopyBase independent on UCS (copy/paste for AutoCAD) |
761 |
23.1.2012 |
Ray hatch patterns (PAT) for AutoCAD - circular rays 1°-60° (by M.Ribar) |
3KB |
6.1.2012 |
AttAdd and AttApp - adds/subtracts a number or appends a prefix/suffix to the specified attribute in selected blocks (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
11kB |
14.12.2011 V1.1 |
Lay2Dwg - exports layers (entities) to individual drawings (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
9.12.2011 V1.2 |
TwittControl - uses ACADtweet to submit AutoCAD commands remotely via your Twitter channel (AutoLISP) |
2459 |
4.12.2011 |
FixMLeader - fixes MLeader scaling in AutoCAD 2009 (VIP tool)  |
317 |
2.11.2011 |
SlopeTick - draw slope tickmarks (batter lines, hatches) between two polylines |
15kB |
8.10.2011 V1.4 |
SphereUnf - unfold a 3D sphere to 2D peels, petals; ConeUnf - unfold 3D cone (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) |
14kB |
7.9.2011 V1.1 |
WBlockAll and WBlock2 commands - exports all drawing blocks to individual DWG files (WBlock All) |
13kB |
11.8.2011 V1.2 |
GetCol - show real color of the selected object, incl. bylayer and block-nested (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
12kB |
3.8.2011 V1.1 |
SysVarLock - protects (watches) defined AutoCAD system variables from assigning defined values |
12kB |
22.7.2011 V1.2 |
PSfixTxt - prefix or suffix selected drawing texts (LSP for AutoCAD) |
557 |
27.6.2011 |
TabReStyle - resets cell style in selected table objects (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
12kB |
14.6.2011 V1.0 |
Wrapper - obalí výkresové objekty obalovou křivkou (LISP, VIP/CS+)  |
17.8kB |
9.6.2011 V1.1 |
AutoPDF automatically saves a PDF copy of a drawing on every save of the DWG drawing (A2007/2008/2009/2010) |
16kB |
22.5.2011 V1.2 |
CADstudio Import VTX - import souborů formátu Kokeš (.vtx) do AutoCADu (zdarma pro zákazníky z Helpdesk webu, CS+)  |
1.5MB |
4.5.2011 |
ACADtweet - Twitter for AutoCAD 2012/2011 - send and read tweets (statuses) directly from AutoCAD command line (.NET tool) |
138kB |
28.4.2011 V1.2 |
TextFreq - frequency analysis of drawing text occurrences, highlight duplicates (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
7.2.2011 |
TMaskOn/TMaskOff - switch MText masks on or off globally (LSP for AutoCAD) |
1172 |
25.1.2011 |
Seg2P and SegCur - returns coordinate of a point at a given ratio between 2 points or on a curve - a generalized M2P (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
9782 |
6.1.2011 V1.1 |
xCurve - export XY vertices from curves, one curve per line (VLX for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
15.12.2010 V1.0 |
DBXremVBA, DBXscanVBA - scans DWG files, reports and removes VBA macros in all drawings in selected folder (VLX/DBX) |
25kB |
15.12.2010 V1.3 |
ScaleXYZ - scales selected objects independently in the X-Y-Z axis (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
30.11.2010 V1.0 |
FilterLL - filter LINEs by length (LSP for AutoCAD) |
701 |
16.11.2010 |
gStretch - pseudo grip-stretch, fixes grip-edit/osnap problem in AutoCAD 2011 |
585 |
12.11.2010 |
LockAllVp - locks all viewports in all layouts (LISP for AutoCAD) |
669 |
12.11.2010 V1.0 |
SumaPloch - summarizes areas of selected objects, adds area label (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
12kB |
1.10.2010 V1.1 |
GetLayouts - copy all layouts from another DWG (no sort, keeps original order) |
13kB |
23.4.2010 V1.3 |
Sizer - set window size for AutoCAD drawing document (LISP) |
998 |
20.1.2010 |
PLV - polyline vertices select - use 'PLV to specify a mask by picking (LISP for AutoCAD) |
544 |
8.1.2010 |
Blikej - blinks the layer of the selected entity |
740 |
15.12.2009 |
NCOPY0 - a modified Express Tool - make a copy of a selected nested entity from a block or xref |
2983 |
15.12.2009 |
Mesh2Pt - creates 3D points in every vertex of a 3D mesh, polymesh or surface (LISP for AutoCAD) |
1112 |
18.11.2009 |
CopyLay - copies selected layers (definitions) from another DWG file (VLX for AutoCAD) |
14kB |
25.10.2009 V1.0 |
SELLAY.LSP - select all entities in the same layer(s) as the picked entity |
956 |
2.10.2009 |
PSrename - adds prefix or suffix to the name of any symbol - layers, blocks, styles, ltypes... (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
12kB |
8.9.2009 V1.0 |
Twitter for AutoCAD - send tweets (statuses) directly from AutoCAD command line (VLX Lisp) - no longer supported - see ACADtweet |
3239 |
28.8.2009 |
ListLinks - list all hyperlinks in the current drawing (LSP for AutoCAD) |
703 |
26.8.2009 |
AutoDWF automatically saves a DWF copy (2D or 3D) of a drawing on every save of the DWG drawing (A2005/2006, A2007/2008/2009, A2010) |
16kB |
22.7.2009 V1.3 |
LinExp - explode linetypes, both dashed and complex (modified TxtExp Express Tool) |
10kB |
21.7.2009 |
MBlockReplace (MBR) - replaces multiple block names with a given block (requires Express Tools, no attributes handled); VLX for AutoCAD |
11.8kB |
30.6.2009 V1.0 |
AllAnno - set annotation scale settings (variables) for all layouts (LSP for AutoCAD) |
585 |
24.6.2009 |
Roughen - convert polylines to sketched, hand-drawn look (LSP for AutoCAD and LT, by Mark Middlebrook) |
10kB |
18.5.2009 |
ExplodeM - explode "unexplodable" MINSERT blocks, removes pseudo-protection of DWG drawings (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
13kB |
18.5.2009 V1.0 |
BrkList - breaks and marks selected curve at multiple points specified by a list of coordinates (stations) |
9444 |
3.5.2009 V1.1 |
2Dunfold - unfolds 2D curves to straight polylines (VLX for AutoCAD) |
12kB |
19.4.2009 V1.2 |
RotX - rotates selected objects relatively around individual insertion points (LSP by Martin Bielina) |
1149 |
9.4.2009 |
GRP.VLX - GRP and UNGRP commands - replacement for PKFSTGROUP and QKUNGROUP in full AutoCAD (Lisp) |
2760 |
25.3.2009 |
Sol2Face - converts 2D Solids to 3D Faces or PFace (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
11960 |
23.2.2009 V1.0 |
Ent2Lay - converts selected entities to individual layers (VLX for AutoCAD) |
11728 |
26.1.2009 V1.1 |
MatchSel (reverse MatchProp) - select an entity and set current its color, layer, ltype - for new entities (LISP for AutoCAD) |
725 |
13.1.2009 |
BreakAll + BreakObjects V2.x - breaks lines at intersections (automatic Break at intersection points) LSP by C.A.Butler - theSwamp.org |
12308 |
5.1.2009 |
OverDimCol (ODC) - highlight dimensions with overridden text (LISP for AutoCAD) |
654 |
8.12.2008 |
DynReset - restores missing grips on dynamic blocks (VLX for AutoCAD) |
8683 |
1.12.2008 V1.0 |
Att2Txt - converts attributes (AttDef) to plain texts (Text) in an AutoCAD drawing (LISP) |
654 |
26.11.2008 |
LayLay reactor - switches selected layers on/off when entering Model and Paperspace DWG layouts |
10kB |
23.11.2008 V1.0 |
NumTab creates an automatic table with number-sequence and dynamic recalculation (A2006) |
11kB |
17.11.2008 V1.1 |
MatchLayP - copies layer properties to another layer (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD) |
1552 |
20.8.2008 |
PlotStyleViewer - standalone viewer for STB/CTB files (Noliturbare)  |
294kB |
5.8.2008 |
COG3D - display center of gravity for 3D solids and regions (těžiště, AutoCAD LSP) |
906 |
16.7.2008 |
FixDimensions - fixes upside-down texts in dimensions (by J.Burke) |
744 |
11.7.2008 |
HideShow - hide selected objects from AutoCAD drawing (VLX for AutoCAD) |
1500 |
26.5.2008 |
FixOffGrid - "rounds" drawing entities to a given grid (e.g. 1.0*1.0) (LSP utility by Joe Burke) |
15.4kB |
7.5.2008 |
DelPageSetup - deletes named page setup(s) in a DWG (LSP for AutoCAD) |
600 |
20.4.2008 |
DIST2 - cumulative DIST command (LSP for AutoCAD) |
499 |
15.4.2008 |
RvrsLine - reverse direction of LINEs and POLYLINEs (LSP for AutoCAD) |
3567 |
16.3.2008 |
AllVports - sets UCSFOLLOW to 0 (or 1) in all viewports of all layouts and modelspace |
2060 |
30.1.2008 |
DELSHAPE - purge unavailable shapes (SHX files) from an AutoCAD DWG drawing |
1254 |
12.12.2007 |
CADstudio SLDview 1.1 - AutoCAD Slide Viewer (.SLD) - Windows EXE (uses .NET Framework) |
292kB |
26.11.2007 |
TCE - Table Cell Edit - edit block directly from table cells (VLX, ACAD2006+) |
2kB |
18.10.2007 |
CHELEV.LSP - sets contour elevations (LISP for AutoCAD and Civil 3D) (N.Menu) |
1kB |
10.10.2007 |
VojPer.LSP - vojenská perspektiva (military projection) - 3D proj. pro AutoCAD |
2796 |
21.9.2007 |
ScaleListDel - deletes excessive annotation scales pulled in from Xrefs (ACAD2008) (by S.Johnson) |
16874 |
18.9.2007 |
VPFL command - freeze VP layer by picking an object (LSP) |
452 |
12.9.2007 |
PurgeIDS - purge RegApp and layer filters from multiple DWG drawing files, R14-2008 (James Maeding) |
3.7MB |
27.8.2007 |
ExplodeIP (VLX) - explode and inherit properties (e.g. for exploding MPolygons) |
1644 |
6.8.2007 |
MEASURE2 - performs the MEASURE command from both ends to the middle of a curve (.LSP for AutoCAD) |
1kB |
25.7.2007 |
DB2SB - converts an AutoCAD dynamic block to a static block (VLX Lisp) |
902 |
19.7.2007 |
PL2ML - convert polylines (LWPOLYLINE) to multilines (MLINE) - LISP/VLX |
1508 |
11.5.2007 |
CAMLINE.LSP - creates a 3D view vector between source and target points of a given AutoCAD camera |
466 |
27.2.2007 |
ArcNorm - normalize "reverse" arcs with normal vector [0,0,-1] |
1kB |
6.12.2006 |
AutoLay reactor - places dimensions, hatches, texts into specified AutoCAD layers automatically (LSP) |
6.6kB |
21.7.2006 |
Text2Elev.LSP - move text entities to the elevation (Z) corresponding to their text string |
1592 |
17.7.2006 |
CurveText - draw text along a curve (arc, circle, polyline...), AutoCAD LSP by A.Gumula |
14.3kB |
5.7.2006 |
Dimetry - dimetric projection of AutoCAD 3D objects (VLX for AutoCAD 2000x) |
2.7kB |
22.12.2005 |
TrueGear - draw standard involute gear profiles (LSP, evolventa) Eugeny Kalney |
39kB |
2.10.2005 |
Cisti - batch purge DWG drawings (unused blocks) J.Kubeczka |
236kB |
15.6.2005 |
DblClick reactor opens hyperlinks attached to AutoCAD drawing objects just by double-click |
2kB |
8.4.2005 |
DeleteFilters - delete unused layer filters in AutoCAD 2002/2004/2005/2006 drawing (VLX by CAD Studio) |
2.2kB |
30.11.2004 |
Tisk_nahledu_WMF_A2K4 - makes WMF previews from a batch of DWG files J.Kubeczka |
236kB |
14.10.2004 |
Arc2Lin - converts Arc and Cirle entities into line segments (VLX for AutoCAD 2000x) |
13kB |
26.5.2003 V1.0 |
rVPscale reactor automatically displays viewport (mview) scale in a predefined text entity |
2.8kB |
21.4.2003 |
PageSet - copy page setup to all layouts (VLX for AutoCAD) |
7220 |
29.11.2002 |
swLayouts - switch AutoCAD layouts using CTRL keys (VBA)  |
5kB |
22.3.2001 |
NAPKIN 3 - hand-drawn look for Arch.Desktop R3 drawings |
14kB |
19.2.2001 |
AutoLISP Debugger for IntelliCAD (free LISP debugger) |
45kB |
11.2.2001 |
AcadStart - Explorer context menu extension (A2000,R14) |
99kB |
13.6.2000 |
NAPKIN - hand-drawn look for Arch.Desktop R2 drawings |
15kB |
11.4.2000 |
DWGinfo - info+preview of DWG file (incl.A2000) (J.Bastecky) |
114kB |
21.3.1999 |
MPROP - AutoCAD mass properties with material density (ARX for R14) |
7kB |
22.10.1998 |
3DFA2SOL - convert 3DFACEs to SOLIDs (fill), LISP for AutoCAD |
1227 |
17.11.1997 |
XSAVE - saves R14-format copy while saving A2000 drawing (LISP reactor) (J.Bastecky) |
1kB |
TIMER - displays exec time for all AutoCAD commands (R14) |
62kB |
TIMER - displays exec time for all AutoCAD commands (R13c4) |
62kB |
MATEDIT - interactive material editor for Mechanical Desktop |
77kB |
AutoLISP Debugger for AutoCAD R12 (free LISP debugger) |
AutoLISP Debugger for AutoCAD R13c4 (free LISP debugger) |
AutoLISP Debugger for AutoCAD R14 (free LISP debugger) |
40kB |
Civil |
SurfacePoints - create points on surfaces in AutoCAD Civil 3D (VLX for Civil) |
11.9kB |
3.4.2020 V1.5 |
WGS-JTSK - batch convert GPS coordinates to S-JTSK format (VLX Lisp for AutoCAD Map/Civil) |
10kB |
25.11.2013 V1.1 |
Podsestava Civil3D - NapojeníŠířkaNaPovrch (PKT pro AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013) |
12.6kB |
25.10.2012 |
StyleList - list and compare styles in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 (.Net DLL) |
6213 |
1.2.2012 |
SurfaceElevation - import/export nastavení analýzy modelu (hypsometrie) pro Civil3D 2010/2009 (CZ) |
9731 |
11.11.2009 |
GeoSondy - ukázková data k tipu (DTM z dat vrtů) - Civil 3D 2008 (CZ) |
2.3MB |
1.2.2008 |
Hypsometrie-Transfer - přenos nastavení analýzy modelu pro AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008 |
1.5MB |
2.1.2008 |
Popis souřadnic (křížky) pro AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008 (CZ) |
8923 |
20.12.2007 |
Sklonovnik2 - sklonovníky (sklonové poměry podélného profilu) pro AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008 (CZ) |
257kB |
3.12.2007 |
AlignProfileStaInc report - průběh trasy a nivelety pro Civil 3D 2008 (CZ) |
58kB |
31.10.2007 |
Profile points report - rozdíly mezi stávajícím profilem a navrženou niveletou pro Civil 3D 2008 (CZ) |
96kB |
26.10.2007 |
Sklonovnik - sklonovníky (příčné sklony) pro AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008 (CZ) |
58kB |
26.10.2007 |
Civil2020 |
Uliční vpustě - soupis skupiny COGO bodů vzhledem k ose trasy - DYN pro Civil Dynamo (Soupis UV.dyn) - VIP/CS+  |
120kB |
8.1.2020 |
Fusion360 |
F-Tools V1.2 - CS Fusion Tools, add-on tools for Autodesk Fusion 360 (Win) - BOM, units, custom props, helpdesk... |
2.5MB |
10.6.2021 V1.2 |
RenameComp - rename Fusion 360 components, bodies and sketches using regular expressions |
137kB |
22.12.2016 V1.2 |
Image2Model - convert raster image to array of holes in Fusion 360 |
10kB |
15.12.2016 |
ImportSplineCSVg/ImportSplineCSVm/ImportPointsCSV - import XY(Z) points from Excel to spline or points in Fusion 360 (Script) |
8kB |
8.10.2016 |
Inventor |
* Be.Smart T4I 2026/2025/2024/2023 (trial/update) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Autodesk Inventor, vč. automatizace iProperties, BOM, QR Code, camera-sync, time tracker, iLogic... (zdarma pro zákazníky, CZ/EN/FR/PL/ES/PT)  |
5.6MB |
28.3.2025 V26.5.0.0 |
X-Tools V2.9 - CS Inventor Tools (automatické vlastnosti, rozvin plechu, automatické QR kódy, makra řízená událostmi, iLogic, sync kamery, kontroly atd.) CZ/EN, pro Inventor (2023-2019), 64-bit (CS+)  |
5.5MB |
27.4.2023 V2.9 |
CS Inspection List (Kontrolní listy) V2.1 for Inventor 2023-2001 (trial) |
1.4MB |
12.5.2022 V2.1 |
HSM Tools V1.4 - CADstudio HSM Tools (automatické generování seřizovací listů, poznámky, dráhy, úložiště NC kódů, pojmenování NC programů atd.) CZ/EN, pro Inventor CAM (HSM) a HSM Express 2015-2020, 64-bit (CS+) |
34MB |
29.5.2019 V1.4 |
CADstudio LOD Manager - správa úrovní detailů v Inventoru 2016-2020 (CS+ bonus)  |
684kB |
5.4.2019 V1.3 |
PartNumberEmboss - Inventor iLogic rule - emboss part number in unfolded sheetmetal DXF (CS+)  |
1151 |
24.10.2018 |
SplitDrawing - Inventor iLogic rule - splits a multiple sheet drawing to individual drawings (IDW/DWG, CS+)  |
4.5kB |
9.10.2018 |
Anaglyph - generate 3D stereograms, anaglyphs (red-cyan pictures) of Inventor 3D models (.NET for Inventor 2013+) |
2.5MB |
22.3.2017 |
AssemblySearch (beta) - vyhledávání součástí v sestavě Inventoru 2017 (CS+)  |
238kB |
9.9.2016 |
Inventor Profile Launcher - starts Inventor with preset add-ons (CS+ bonus tool, VIP)  |
315kB |
1.6.2016 |
VirtualParts - insert virtual parts from Excel into Inventor assemblies (iLogic) |
8.6kB |
14.12.2015 |
BoreImage - convert a raster image to an array of bored holes in sheet metal for Inventor |
105kB |
14.12.2015 |
ProtokolSoučásti - Inventor makro pro automaticky (z iVlastností) generovaný dokument protokolu součásti (CS+)  |
29kB |
20.11.2015 |
SumUnfoldEdges - Inventor makro pro iVlastnosti s délkou vnějších a vnitřních hran rozvinu plechu (CS+)  |
96kB |
19.11.2015 |
ImportCoord - reads Excel coordinates into Inventor as sketch splines, 3D splines or named 3D workpoints (Inventor 5/6/7/8/9/10/20xx, VBA by CAD Studio) |
158kB |
17.4.2014 V1.5 |
iLogic rule - COGs as workpoints for all assembly parts (CS+)  |
1kB |
15.1.2014 |
Export3Dsketch - exports coordinates of an Inventor 3D sketch into a CSV file (VBA macro) |
31kB |
27.6.2013 |
DisplayNameEditor - nastavování zobrazovaného názvu komponenty Inventoru 2013 (např. při automatickém číslování Vaultem), Helpdesk CS+  |
19kB |
8.1.2013 |
Užitečné fragmenty kódu iLogic (macro snippets) pro Inventor (VIP/CS+)  |
273kB |
16.8.2012 |
ListInspection VBA macro - make a report of all inspection dimensions in your Inventor 2010-2016 drawing |
10kB |
3.1.2012 V1.5 |
CreateInterference - builds interference solid of colliding parts in an Inventor assembly (VBA macro) |
43520 |
29.11.2011 |
PrintSheets - VBA makro pro tisk vybraných listů výkresu Inventoru (VIP/CS+)  |
13.5kB |
5.4.2011 |
SplitDrawing - Inventor VBA macro splits a multiple sheet drawing to individual drawings (IDW/DWG) |
31kB |
15.3.2011 |
FeatureRename - rename Inventor features by geometrical properties (Inventor 2010/2009, 32/64-bit), by Allen Gager |
2.5MB |
14.11.2009 |
RollerChain - creates 3D roller chain models in Inventor (by Lian Xie) |
49kB |
8.7.2008 |
COG - center of gravity for Inventor drawing views (těžiště do výkresů) |
1875 |
2.10.2007 |
iBatchPrint - batch print Autodesk Inventor files (C.Bliss)  |
85kB |
20.8.2002 |
Plant3D |
Plant Tools 2024 - bonus nástroje CS+ pro AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024-2021 (zdarma pro zákazníky; CZ/EN)  |
5.7MB |
6.6.2023 V1.0.34 |
CS Plant Tools 2020 - bonus nástroje CS+ pro AutoCAD Plant 3D 2020 (zdarma pro zákazníky; CZ/EN)  |
448kB |
11.12.2020 V1.0.28 |
CADstudio Plant Tools 2019 (trial) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro AutoCAD Plant 3D 2019 (zdarma pro zákazníky; CZ/EN) |
452kB |
15.6.2018 V1.0.27 |
CADstudio Plant Tools 2018 (trial) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro AutoCAD Plant 3D 2018 (zdarma pro zákazníky; CZ/EN) |
427kB |
13.7.2017 V1.0.21 |
CADstudio PID Tools 2017 (trial) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro AutoCAD P&ID 2017 (zdarma pro zákazníky; CZ/EN) |
412kB |
31.10.2016 V1.0.5 |
CADstudio Plant Tools 2017 (trial) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro AutoCAD Plant 3D 2017 (zdarma pro zákazníky; CZ/EN) |
424kB |
31.10.2016 V1.0.18 |
Revit |
* Be.Smart T4R (Revit Tools) 2025/2024/2023/2022 (trial/update) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Autodesk Revit, vč. JobTime, BIMsign, patra, kóty, výkazy, filtry, prostupy, příkaz. řádek, potrubí, izolace, kdo změnil... (zdarma pro zákazníky, CZ/EN/FR/ES/PL)  |
91MB |
3.9.2024 V4.1.1 |
CADstudio Revit Tools 2021/2020/2019 (trial/update) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Autodesk Revit, vč. JobTime, BIMsign, BIM catalog, kóty, výkazy, filtry, prostupy, publik.PDF, příkaz.řádek, potrubí (zdarma pro zákazníky, CZ/EN) |
48MB |
15.1.2021 V3.0.0 |
Img2Model.dyn - Dynamo script, convert raster image to 3D model in Revit (see blog) |
1.8MB |
18.5.2020 |
CADstudio Revit Tools 2020/2019/2018 (trial/update) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Autodesk Revit, vč. JobTime, BIMsign, BIM catalog, kóty, výkazy, filtry, prostupy, publik.PDF, příkaz.řádek, potrubí (zdarma pro zákazníky, CZ/EN) |
40MB |
17.3.2020 V2.6.13 |
Export XYZ S-JTSK souřadnic bodů z Revitu do CSV - DYN pro Dynamo Player (CS_Souradnice_bodu_S-JTSK_do_CSV.dyn) - VIP/CS+  |
56kB |
5.9.2019 |
Export XYZ souřadnic bodů z Revitu do CSV - DYN pro Dynamo Player (CS_Souradnice_bodu_do_CSV.dyn) - VIP/CS+  |
37kB |
28.8.2019 |
ExcelCoordinates.dyn - Dynamo script, extract Revit element positions to XYZ coordinates in XLS |
27kB |
16.3.2019 |
CADstudio Revit Tools 2017 EN (trial/update) - add-on tools for Autodesk Revit 2017, incl. JobTime, BIM catalog, dimensions, schedules |
2.6MB |
27.9.2018 V2.2.18 |
CADstudio Revit Tools 2017 (trial/update) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Revit 2017, vč. JobTime, BIM catalog, kóty, výkazy, filtry, potrubí (zdarma pro zákazníky, CZ) |
2.6MB |
27.9.2018 V2.2.18 |
Podlahová plocha (v1.2.1) - výpočet plochy s nikami - .DYN pro Dynamo Player |
30kB |
3.1.2017 V1.2.1 |
CADstudio Revit Tools 2016 V2.1 (trial/update) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Revit Architecture a Revit MEP 2016 64bit, vč. JobTime, BIM catalog, kóty, výkazy (zdarma pro zákazníky, CZ/EN) |
2.9MB |
17.2.2016 V2016 |
CADstudio Revit Tools 2015 V2.0 (trial/update) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Revit Architecture a Revit MEP 2015 64bit, vč. Anaglyph, JobTime, BIM catalog (zdarma pro zákazníky, CZ/EN) |
1.8MB |
25.1.2016 V2.0 |
CADstudio Mazání Materiálů - vyčištění duplicitních materiálů pro Revit 2015 (CS+)  |
92kB |
30.1.2015 |
CADstudio Revit Tools 2014 (trial) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Revit Architecture a Revit MEP 2014 32/64bit, vč. Anaglyph, JobTime (zdarma pro zákazníky, CZ/EN) |
1.8MB |
1.9.2013 V1.8 |
CADstudio Revit Tools 2013 (trial) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Revit Architecture a Revit MEP 2013 32/64bit, vč. Anaglyph, JobTime (zdarma pro zákazníky, CZ/EN) |
2.6MB |
1.9.2013 V1.8 |
CADstudio Revit Tools (trial) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Revit Architecture 2012 a Revit MEP 2012 32/64bit (zdarma pro zákazníky) |
786kB |
6.8.2012 V1.1.2.2 |
FindReplace - text replace utility for Revit 2010 (EN+CZ, WATG) |
12kB |
18.4.2009 |
GetLevel - Revit 2008 addon utility - shows all elements associated with a level (S.Faust) |
8582 |
9.1.2008 |
FindReplace - text replace utility for Revit 2008 (EN+CZ, WATG) |
8.9kB |
14.5.2007 |
FindReplace - text replace utility for Revit 9 (EN+CZ, WATG) |
8.4kB |
24.5.2006 |
FindReplace - text replace utility for Revit 8.1 (EN+CZ) |
8.8kB |
12.12.2005 |
Vault |
CADstudio VaultTools 2021 CZ (26.0.4) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Autodesk Vault Professional a Workgroup (zdarma pro zákazníky; Helpdesk/VIP)  |
4MB |
2.12.2020 V2.6 |
CADstudio VaultTools 2020 CZ (25.0.1) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Autodesk Vault Professional a Workgroup (zdarma pro zákazníky; Helpdesk/VIP)  |
4.4MB |
2.7.2019 V2.5 |
CADstudio VaultTools 2019 CZ ( - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Autodesk Vault Professional a Workgroup (zdarma pro zákazníky; Helpdesk/VIP)  |
4.5MB |
10.4.2019 V2.4 |
CADstudio VaultTools 2018 CZ (23.1) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Autodesk Vault Professional a Workgroup (zdarma pro zákazníky; Helpdesk/VIP)  |
6MB |
9.6.2017 V23.1 |
CADstudio VaultTools 2017 CZ (22.1) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Autodesk Vault Professional a Workgroup (zdarma pro zákazníky; Helpdesk/VIP)  |
6.6MB |
24.10.2016 V22.1 |
CADstudio VaultTools 1.2.7 (2016) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Autodesk Vault Professional a Workgroup (zdarma pro zákazníky; Helpdesk/VIP)  |
3.1MB |
3.7.2015 V1.2 |
CADstudio VaultTools 1.2.6 (2015) - bonus nástroje CS+ pro Autodesk Vault Professional a Workgroup (zdarma pro zákazníky; Helpdesk/VIP)  |
1.4MB |
19.1.2015 V1.2 |
-- |
SelectionInfo - non-modal iProperties palette - Inventor add-on (on GitHub, incl. C# source code)  |
30kB |
13.12.2019 |
HeightMark - AEC elevation label for Inventor drawings ("kačena", iLogic) |
299kB |
13.12.2019 |
iLogicCommandsEditor - visual editor for ribbon in Inventor with X-Tools, add icons for iLogic rules |
441kB |
12.12.2019 |
GGmenu v1.99+ribbon - stavařská nadstavba AutoCADu, freeware J.Remeš, automatická instalace A2011/2010, ribbon ovládání, beta (CZ-česky)  |
8.8MB |
6.2.2011 |
Projekt JR - vzorový projekt - ukázková skladba projektu (J.Remeš)  |
8.7MB |
18.10.2009 |
* GGmenu v1.99 - stavařská nadstavba AutoCADu, freeware J.Remeš (CZ-česky)  |
15.9MB |
18.10.2009 |
* CAD standardy v1.5 - freeware nadstavba AutoCADu, J.Remeš (CZ-česky)  |
2.9MB |
18.10.2009 |
Other Goodies |
Kódovací pomocník Voda a HTU pro Civil3D (PDF, CS+)  |
1.2MB |
27.1.2025 |
TeamViewer QuickJoin v15.53 - klientská aplikace pro připojení na webináře firmy ARKANCE (též https://go.teamviewer.com/arksQJ) |
22MB |
16.5.2024 |
TeamViewer QuickSupport v15.53 - aplikace pro dočasné vzdálené zpřístupnění plochy Vašeho počítače pro pracovníky technické podpory ARKANCE (též https://get.teamviewer.com/arkancesystemscz) |
28MB |
16.5.2024 |
Dopravní značení - plakát A3 k aplikaci DZ 3.2 - dopravní značky dle 294/2015 a 84/2016 a 386/2023 (PDF) |
2.7MB |
5.2.2024 |
Transformace souřadnicových systémů v AutoCAD Map 3D (PDF, CS+)  |
1.2MB |
14.12.2023 |
Stencil fonts for CNC - TTF fonts with bridges (můstková písma pro vypalování) |
2.4MB |
8.7.2023 |
Additional free .PAT hatch patterns (šrafy) for AutoCAD and LT (stone, wood, roof, landscape, hydroisol, pavement...), Trebulka |
554kB |
2.7.2023 |
8020 profiles FG library for Inventor 2024 (.idcl) |
27MB |
18.6.2023 |
Alutec KK alu profiles for Inventor 2022+ (.idcl, V1.08)  |
329MB |
3.5.2023 |
Fusion360commands - list of all commands (text console) in Fusion 360 |
109kB |
15.12.2022 |
Subassembly Composer - API funkce s popisem (česky, CS+)  |
484kB |
15.12.2022 |
ČSN 010451 font - písmo Svatos, úzké kolmé technické písmo dle šablonky (TTF; by D.Svatoš) |
15kB |
16.8.2022 |
Hatch patterns - diamond (.PAT; CS+)  |
8474 |
5.1.2022 |
DIN-1451 fonts, Mittelschrift, Engschrift - roadsign outline font - Germany, Hungary, Israel, Romania, Estonia, Vietnam... (SHX+TTF) |
153kB |
28.3.2020 |
Units Converter - web converter for over 750 physical measurement units (Chrome Extension)  |
50kB |
5.2.2020 |
Units Converter - mobile converter for over 750 physical measurement units (Android)  |
15MB |
29.10.2018 |
CAD Studio Direct (CZ) - nejnovější zprávy, tipy a utility - mobilní novinky od CAD Studia (Android)  |
15MB |
29.10.2018 |
Cadalyst Benchmark Test C2019 - performance test for AutoCAD 2000-2019  |
8.3MB |
5.9.2018 |
Kódovací pomocník - základní kódy a tipy pro šablony Civil 3D (CZ, PDF)  |
440kB |
29.6.2018 |
FIXBLOCK redefines blocks to layer 0, color byblock, ltscale 1.0 entities (by Manusoft) |
1030 |
19.1.2018 |
Lynn Allen: Tipy & Triky pro AutoCAD 2018 (PDF příručka, anglicky) |
9.5MB |
18.5.2017 |
Konštrukčné prípoje v Revite 2018 - Podrobný zoznam prvkov (SK/CZ) |
369kB |
9.5.2017 |
Polypropylen water pipe library for Inventor (.idcl, 2017) |
2.2MB |
15.12.2016 |
* Additional .LIN linetypes for AutoCAD and LT, complex linetypes (linetype library; CZ typy čar, čiary) - UPD, STN, ZMZ, geo, map, ... FIXED (.LIN+.SHX) |
115kB |
1.12.2016 |
ISO-LIN - metrické typy čar ISO/ČSN 1:1 pro AutoCAD a LT, komplexní typy čar dle ČSN 01 3411 - linetype library .LIN (Ivo Klepárník) |
912kB |
21.10.2016 |
Logo CAD Studio - company logo in multiple formats (PNG, EPS, WMF, PDF) |
90kB |
1.11.2015 |
Lynn Allen: Tipy & Triky pro AutoCAD 2016 (PDF příručka, anglicky)  |
7.9MB |
8.7.2015 |
CAD Studio kalendář na rok 2015 (PDF, A2/A3, CZ) |
1.5MB |
10.12.2014 |
CADVault 6 Runtime - free object enabler for CADVault (64-bit) - AutoCAD 2015-2000 and LT (by CADLock)  |
3.9MB |
19.10.2014 |
CADVault 6 Runtime - free object enabler for CADVault (32-bit) - AutoCAD 2015-2000 and LT (by CADLock)  |
2MB |
19.10.2014 |
GEOCAD.SHX - SHX font for AutoCAD (uppercase, label-script) |
7kB |
5.8.2014 |
Lynn Allen: Tipy & Triky pro AutoCAD 2015 (PDF příručka, anglicky) |
5.6MB |
16.5.2014 |
CAD Studio kalendář na rok 2014 (PDF, A2/A1, CZ) |
3MB |
9.12.2013 |
Lynn Allen: Tipy & Triky pro AutoCAD 2014 (PDF příručka, anglicky) |
2.5MB |
15.5.2013 |
Dunn Edwards color book (perfect palette) for AutoCAD (ACB)  |
92kB |
2.5.2013 |
Aplikace pro Revit, doma i v zahraničí (materiály z přednášky na BIM-Fórum 2013) |
4.1MB |
30.1.2013 |
Additional free .PAT hatch patterns (šrafy) for AutoCAD and LT (stone, wood, parquet, pavement, fan, random...) |
21kB |
2.8.2012 |
Govert´s GoPlot Plus - plot your .PLT files (joblists, copies, spoolname, multiroll, job banners, Oce/RCF support, PJL, etc.)  |
351kB |
13.7.2012 |
OSIfont - free technical TrueType font (TTF) for european CAD projects (see also ISOCPEUR)  |
38kB |
31.5.2012 |
Bubble for AutoCAD v2.94 - dynamically displays drawing entity properties - in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Czech (R14, 2000/i/2002, 2004/2005/2006, 2007/2008/2009 + LT + ADT + Map) |
10MB |
19.5.2012 |
Benjamin Moore Color Books for AutoCAD (ACB) |
75kB |
5.4.2012 |
BUDWEISER2013.DWG (V2013) - test DWG compatibility (benchmark DWG) [in the download window use right-click SaveAs to download] |
610kB |
5.4.2012 |
* BUDWEISER.DWG (all versions in ZIP) - test DWG compatibility (benchmark DWG, 2000, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2013 formats) |
2.1MB |
5.4.2012 |
Lynn Allen: Tipy & Triky pro AutoCAD 2013 (PDF příručka, anglicky) |
2.1MB |
27.3.2012 |
CAD Studio - 2012 calendar - A1-size car poster (plakát, kalendář 2012) |
2.6MB |
16.12.2011 |
CAD Studio - Autodesk Inventor A1-size poster (plakát, důlní stroj 2011) |
850kB |
20.10.2011 |
Sample 3D PDF output from Autodesk Inventor via Share3D |
1.6MB |
1.9.2011 |
Sample 3D PDF output from Inventor Publisher - Parker Service Manual |
3.4MB |
1.6.2011 |
Lynn Allen: Tipy & Triky pro AutoCAD 2012 (PDF příručka, anglicky)  |
4.4MB |
11.5.2011 |
BB - hromadné nastavení vlastností entit ve stávajících blocích (např. změna barvy či typu čar na DleHlad/DleBlok), B.LSP, P.Štyl |
28kB |
27.3.2011 |
CAD Studio - 3D kalendář a PF na rok 2011 (PDF, CZ) |
658kB |
15.12.2010 |
ACADiso.pat - rozšířené šrafovací vzory stavební, dle ČSN, pro AutoCAD a LT (hatch patterns, CZ) |
402kB |
9.12.2010 |
Výběr map pro Google Earth (KMZ) - různé mapové zdroje (CS+, Helpdesk)  |
4kB |
14.9.2010 |
LCD fonts - free segmented TrueType fonts (TTF) for CAD design and technical documentation |
41kB |
13.7.2010 |
ZSurf - converts bitmaps to 3D NURBS surfaces |
1.8MB |
17.6.2010 |
CADstudio-PLT-test - sample HPGL2 file to test plot on HP Designjet plotters (COPY /B) |
4913 |
6.5.2010 |
Braille TrueType font (TTF) - e.g. for 3D CAD |
10kB |
8.1.2010 |
XGL Viewer - free 3D viewer for XGL and ZGL files (OpenGL data), EXE + source code |
553kB |
2.9.2009 |
BUDWEISER2010.DWG (V2010) - test DWG compatibility (benchmark DWG) [in the download window use right-click SaveAs to download] |
797kB |
22.7.2009 |
CADVault Runtime - free object enabler for CADVault - AutoCAD 2009-2000 (by CADLock)  |
1.1MB |
20.4.2009 |
BetterWMF 2010 [6.0] (AutoCAD 2007-2010 and LT -WMF+clipboard enhancements), by Furix  |
817kB |
1.4.2009 |
* StavebněCADovská přikázání (CZ) - 28 dobrých rad, kterými by se říditi měl každý stavař, tovaryš i mistr cechu CAD - desatero; PDF tisk na A3/A4 (PepaR + kol.) |
141kB |
6.11.2008 |
Resene Color Books for AutoCAD (ACB) - COLORSTEEL Roof Colours plus other palettes  |
9591 |
18.8.2008 |
Sherwin-Williams AutoCAD Color Book (ACB color collection)  |
228kB |
18.8.2008 |
LP_Linetypes - complex linetypes for AutoCAD and LT (.LIN+.SHX, by Lineplan knihovna/typy čar/library)) |
33kB |
15.8.2008 |
GEODLIN.SHX - Civil 3D CZ Country kit geodetic shape file |
8116 |
20.7.2008 |
Govert´s GoPlot Classic - plot your .PLT files (joblists, copies, etc.)  |
256kB |
18.6.2008 |
CIVIL.SHX - Civil 3D CZ Country kit shape file |
3672 |
10.3.2008 |
ARCHS.SHX - architectural hand-drawn SHX font for AutoCAD (uppercase/lowercase) |
4004 |
25.1.2008 |
ARX7.SHX - RoadPac shape file |
728 |
22.1.2008 |
Lynn Allen: Tipy & Triky pro AutoCAD 2008 (PDF příručka, česky) |
6MB |
10.8.2007 |
BUDWEISER2008.DWG (V2008) - test DWG compatibility (benchmark DWG, pwd=budweiser) [in the download window use right-click SaveAs to download] |
230kB |
6.8.2007 |
BL0 and BL00 command - redefines blocks to layer 0 (e.g. for recolor) |
1kB |
8.6.2007 |
CUI to MNU - converts a .CUI file back to the .MNS format (check the result manually) |
13kB |
1.3.2007 |
Govert´s Drop & Print - simply drop your .PLT file to your printer/plotter to print it (simple GoPlot)  |
198kB |
1.2.2007 |
Lynn Allen: Tipy & Triky pro AutoCAD 2007 (PDF příručka, česky) |
1.7MB |
16.8.2006 |
VBA Macro Recorder - simple macro recorder for AutoCAD (free utility by Joe Sutphin) |
38kB |
10.2.2006 |
BetterWMF 4.02 (AutoCAD R14-2006 + LT -WMF+clipboard enhancements), by Furix  |
434kB |
2.11.2005 |
XANADU's test DWF - sample markup file from Autodesk DWF Composer 2 (Design Review) |
17kB |
26.10.2005 |
DOSlib - LISP library with system functions (DOS/Windows), files, folders, drives, interface (for AutoCAD R12-2007)  |
810kB |
8.10.2005 |
ARIAL alternative - ROMANM2.SHX font based on RomanD outline font (by T.Irwin) |
53kB |
6.9.2005 |
Lynn Allen: Tipy & Triky pro AutoCAD 2006 (PDF příručka, česky) |
2MB |
25.8.2005 |
ARIAL.SHX - shx version of the Arial font (outline) |
8.9kB |
22.7.2005 |
ACAD.SXP definition file for StrokeIt - gesture control for AutoCAD and other applications by J.Remeš (see CAD Forum Tips for more information) |
241.9kB |
21.6.2005 |
DIMARC command (DIMARC.LSP) - dimensions an arc (length, not angle) |
670B |
28.5.2005 |
Standard Browser for Inventor style library |
180kB |
22.11.2004 |
Rubik's cube model for Inventor 9 - manipulate using drive_me constraints, use Contact solver; see CAD Tips (Sonja Ahrens) |
2.19MB |
18.10.2004 |
T2M.LSP - convert individual Text/DText objects to individual MTexts |
848 |
8.10.2004 |
Hebrew shx fonts for AutoCAD (Hebrew.shx, Hebtxt.shx, Htxt.shx, Michal.shx, Miry.shx, Sivan.shx ...) |
31k |
1.7.2004 |
FTEXT3, ZOOMTXT command - zooms to a searched text, optional text replace (LSP) |
5kB |
2.6.2004 |
KILLDOTS command - clean null lines, arcs and 'space' (whitespace only) text (R12-2005) |
1.1kB |
2.6.2004 |
XANADU - Autodesk Inventor A1-size poster (plakát, koláž 2004) |
2.3MB |
19.4.2004 |
SHOLAYER command - show layer contents (entities) |
450B |
1.3.2004 |
SPIRAL and 3DSPIRAL and SOL_SPRING commands - drawing spirals and springs in 2D and 3D (spiral.lsp, sol_spring.lsp) |
3.6kB |
26.1.2004 |
GENLTSHP.SHX - this symbol font may be missing for your DWG |
50 |
1.1.2004 |
Non-RectangularViewports.DWT - a template file allowing to use non-rectangular viewports in AutoCAD LT 2000x (see www.cadforum.cz) |
67kB |
23.9.2003 |
iMike - a configurable 3D model of a man for Inventor (M.V.Ficarra)  |
3MB |
1.8.2003 |
Hatch Pattern viewer OCX module (.PAT file preview) |
23.5kB |
17.6.2003 |
KWiKViews - switch Inventor 3D views quickly - for Inventor 6/7 (by Kent Keller)  |
436kB |
10.6.2003 |
ACAD.SXP definition file for StrokeIt - gesture control for AutoCAD and other applications (see CAD Forum Tips for more information) |
588 |
9.5.2003 |
Xanadu company screen background bitmap (set up for tiling) |
19kB |
1.11.2002 |
Sketch++ (SKPP) - freehand and spray painting in AutoCAD (2000/i/2002/2004) and ADT, no more free  |
9kB |
23.5.2002 |
UNICODES.DWG - table of frequently used unicode characters |
72kB |
12.3.2002 |
* BUDWEISER.DWG (V1) - test DWG compatibility (benchmark DWG) [in the download window use right-click SaveAs to download] |
233kB |
21.12.2001 |
Výuka Inventoru (Inventor tutorial - CZ) off-line  |
22MB |
1.8.2001 |
SOLAR.DWG - demonstrates AutoCAD DWG high precision |
10kB |
27.2.2001 |
CxDocBar - visually switch between multiple open drawings (A2000/2000i) |
33kB |
5.1.2001 |
CSHatch - 64 new .PAT hatch patterns (šrafy) for AutoCAD (free) (by C.Sweeney) |
137kB |
4.1.2001 |
DLINE command - double line for AutoCAD, incl. arcs (LSP) |
16kB |
5.10.2000 |
M2S command - solidifies any 3D Mesh |
18.5.2000 |
FLATTEN command - quick and dirty flattener (moves all entities to Z=0) |
27.4.2000 |
RASTER.DWT - a template file allowing to insert raster images into AutoCAD LT (see www.cadforum.cz) |
28kB |
13.12.1999 |
Barcode LISP utility - draws barcode as AutoCAD entities |
3.8kB |
2.8.1999 |
RNL command - batch-rename layers (and layer colors), driven by a table |
844 |
9.6.1998 |
CALENDAR - draws a calendar in AutoCAD (.LSP) |
6kB |
1.2.1998 |
AutoCAD LT menu add-ons |
Benchmark for AutoCAD R12cz |
DWGVER - show AutoCAD version of DWG file (in LSP) |
IRREG command - draw irregular lines |
V command - dynamic ZOOM from keyboard |
TBRCALC - interactive dialog-based scientific calculator for AutoCAD |
IMPLODE command - reverse EXPLODE, groups objects |
SAVLAY command - save/restore layers |
CISTEXT command - clean text from overlapping lines |
Inventor |
IDWviewer - viewer for Inventor R3 IDW files |
53kB |
27.8.2000 |
Tools (standalone, Autodesk) |
-- |
Autodesk ReMake (formerly Memento) v17.25.3.1 - digitize to 3D models, mesh editor/fixer - Free/Trial version, Win 64-bit - see ReCap Photo  |
267MB |
27.6.2017 |
Autodesk ReMake (formerly Memento) v117.25.67 - digitize to 3D models, mesh editor/fixer - Free/Trial version, MacOS (only till 31.3.2017)  |
200MB |
15.12.2016 |
Diagnostický nástroj pro login na web služby Autodesk 360 (CS+)  |
170kB |
30.8.2014 |
MDI Drawing Tabs - Autodesk bonus tool for AutoCAD 2012, 2011, 2010 and older, 32/64-bit (switch DWG files)  |
106kB |
24.4.2010 |
ModifyDWGcp (codepage_tool) - standalone DOS utility - changes the DWGCODEPAGE setting in DWG drawings (see also WNEWCP)  |
158kB |
30.9.2006 |
CTB and STB printing tool (CTB/STB-->Text) for AutoCAD 2007  |
77kB |
20.9.2006 |
ACAD Color RGB-ACI convertor (EXE) |
7kB |
26.9.2002 |
Slide to DXF convertor (SLD2DXF, standalone .EXE) |
19kB |
5.6.2002 |
WNEWCP - fixes codepage in DWG (DWGCODEPAGE) |
100kB |
9.11.1997 |
DeSlide - explodes Slide library (SLB) |
7kB |
18.5.1991 |
PROTECT.EXE - protects your AutoLISP programs |
Slide Manager - explodes/compiles SLB libraries |
TRIAL versions |
Vyztužovák/Reinforcement add-on for Revit 2025/2024/2023/2022 V3.0 (EN/CZ, trial/update, vyztužování)  |
597MB |
7.2.2025 V3.0.1 |