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CAD Studio announces yearly growth of 13.5%

CAD Studio CAD Studio, an Autodesk Platinum Partner based in the Czech Republic, continues to grow rapidly. The company builds on its previous successful period of economic results and reports significant Y/Y growth. Revenues of 11 million Euro represent a yearly growth of 13.5 percent, with AEC solutions as the fastest growing sales segment.

Highlights from some of CAD Studio’s growth figures for the year 2012:

  • Increase in total revenues to 11 million € (14.5 mil. USD), a 13.5 percent increase over 2011.
  • 84 percent growth in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) segment - attributed to specialization and investment in technical resources, as well as the development of new bonus tools, Revit Tools and Civil Tools (CS+).
  • Growth in services by 53 percent, especially in project implementations and customizations in the segment of GIS and PDM/PLM systems.
  • Increase in the number of full-time employees to 66 (an increase of 6). A similar growth is also projected for 2013.
  • Increase of 28 percent in sales numbers of new manufacturing CAD licenses.

More information in the press release CAD Studio continues to grow rapidly.

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