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Autodesk - free
Download Autodesk Inventor Publisher Mobile Viewer V1.8 for Android (3D IPM, free) External 18MB 25.7.2014  
Design Review, DWF, DWG TrueView, SketchBook, A360
Download Autodesk Fusion Mobile 2.8.5 for Android - view and markup 3D designs in F3D, IPT, IAM, DWG, DWF, RVT, STEP, IGES. STL, SLDPRT and 100 other CAD formats, incl. offline (EN/DE/CZ) External 6MB 28.5.2024  
Download Autodesk Buzzsaw Mobile client for Android External 12MB 18.3.2012    
Tools (standalone, Autodesk)
Download Autodesk Construction Cloud (PlanGrid Build) - CDE mobile client for Android phones and tablets, access 2D+3B BIM projects in Autodesk Docs, Build, Collaborate, V7.0 (free) External 98MB 14.3.2023  
Download AutoCAD mobile for Android, V6.2 (former AutoCAD 360, free DWG editor), now with 3D, GPS, ePrint, Design Feed External 279MB 14.9.2022
Download BIM 360 (next gen) - mobile client for Android phones and tablets, access 2D+3D BIM projects, V2.38 (free) External 22MB 4.8.2020  
Download Autodesk SketchBook for Android, V5.0, painting+sketching (free) External 77MB 29.5.2019    
Download Autodesk FormIt V13.2 for Android (Pro trial) - free conceptual 3D BIM editor, compatible with Revit External 56MB 8.4.2016  
Patches + updates
Vault, ADMS
Download Autodesk Vault mobile app, V1.5 (PDM, Android-compatible) External 24MB 9.6.2022
Free applications and CAD utilities (mostly our freeware & trials)
Other Goodies
Download Units Converter - mobile converter for over 750 physical measurement units (Android) External 15MB 29.10.2018  
Download CAD Studio Direct (CZ) - nejnovější zprávy, tipy a utility - mobilní novinky od CAD Studia (Android) External 15MB 29.10.2018  
Additional files (Microsoft+HP)
Download HP ePrint & Share 3.1 for Android (for HP Designjets) External 1.1MB 7.8.2013    
Vypsáno 12 souborů